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The Art of Collaborative Leadership - Sept.'10 Belgium


The Art of Collaborative Leadership - Sept.'10 Belgium

This group is to keep sharing, learning and growing together our practice of collaborative leadership... and it starts with an amazing group of people who participated in the training in Belgium in Sept. 2010.

Location: Belgium, Germany, Uk, France...
Members: 52
Latest Activity: Nov 18, 2019

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Comment by Janice Thomson on October 10, 2010 at 5:22am
Thanks Mary Alice! Yes Skype indeed can be a good solution. Unfortunately some organizations block access to Skype for their employees so it's important to also have the option of using a regular phone. I think other conference call services allow break-out rooms, but I don't know which ones work well + have European phone numbers.
Comment by Mary Alice Arthur on October 8, 2010 at 12:38pm
Have you thought of using Maestro but calling through Skype? That would be relatively cheap.
Comment by Janice Thomson on October 8, 2010 at 6:01am
Does anyone know how to set up a virtual world cafe (conference call with break-out rooms) that can be accessed with a European phone number? This is possible now with Maestro Conference (and works surprisingly well), but you have to call a phone number in the USA.

There's also a world cafe island in Second Life, but you can only have one conversation in it.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Comment by Ria Baeck on October 5, 2010 at 8:48am
Mary-Alice, you might want to ask Helen - she did upload to Ning before.
Comment by Mary Alice Arthur on October 5, 2010 at 2:39am
I've been wondering about this, I have a video of Toke to upload, but it appears the only option now is to place a code from YouTude or Vimeo, rather than upload directly. Ria, do you or Rowan know how to do this?
Comment by Ria Baeck on October 5, 2010 at 12:02am
Wiebke, is it possible to upload the video to the Ning itself, instead of providing the link (which will work too if this is the only option)?
Comment by Monica Nissén on October 4, 2010 at 4:22pm
here are some pictures you can access
Comment by Annamaria Erdei on October 4, 2010 at 7:36am
Caroline is absolutely right. Even after one week and 1300 km away now (in Hungary) I still resonate. And I will do everything that I keep up this resonance. I am about to write my personal report about the event - with multiple purposes. First, for myself, to distill the learnings. Second, to share the learnings with practicioners at the Commission and third to take the courage from the learnings and from the connections to make my work environment a place worth working for. Thanks for the burst of energy I got from you, guys. I am really greateful that you exist and that I can experience all this.
Comment by Wiebke Herding on October 4, 2010 at 5:45am
Hello everyone!

I've now added the video recording of Mary-Alice's teaching on Monday morning to

Love * W.
Comment by Caroline Rennie on October 4, 2010 at 12:38am
A week on and I am still knocked out by what a splendid workshop you provided us - thank you! Thank you for attracting magnificent participants; thank you for having the workshop be such an excellent representation of its message; and thank you for running th workshop to such a high standard that I 'get', in every fibre of my being, what an excellent workshop can look and feel like. Wonderful!

Members (52)


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