- Baldwin, Christina:
- Calling the Circle - The First and Future Culture
Storycatcher—Making sense of Our Lives through the Power and Practice of Story
with Linnea, Ann: The Circle Way—A Leader in Every Chair
- Brown, Juanita with David Isaacs and the World Café Community
The World Café—Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter
- Cooperrider, David and Srivastva (2000)
- Appreciative Inquiry. Rethinking Human Organization Toward a Positive Theory of Change
- Herman, Michael and Corrigan, Chris (eds.):
- The Tao of Holding Space Open Space Technology—A User’s Non-Guide
- Holman, Peggy, Cady, Steve and Devane, Tom (eds):
- The Change Handbook. Large Group Methods for Shaping the Future.
- Isaacs, William
- Dialogue and the art of thinking together.
- Kaner, Sam et al.
The Facilitator's Guide to ParticipatoryDecision Making
- Marianne Miller Bojer et.al.
Mapping Dialogue: Essential Tools for Social Change (Taos Institute)
- Owen, Harrison
- Open Space Technology—A Users Guide
Expanding our now—The Story of Open Space Technology
The Spirit of Leadership—Liberating the Leader in Each of Us
- Whitney, Dianna and Trosten-Bloom A.
- The power of appreciative inquiry: a practical guide to positive change
- Atlee, Tom
- The Tao of Democracy
- The Berkana Institute and Neighborhood Centers Inc.
- Health Community Tool Kit -- Unlocking the Strength of Our Communities: A Step by Step Guide to Appreciative Community Building
- Block, Peter
- The answer to how is Yes
- Community: The Structure of Belonging
- Block, Peter and McKight, John
- The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods (2010, Berrett-Koehler)
- Briskin, Alan et. al.
- The Power of Collective Wisdom and the Trap of Collective Folly
- Cziksentmihaly, M.
- M. Flow.
Good Business
- Frost, Peter
- Toxic emotions at work
- Herman, Michael
- The inviting organization emerges
- Hock, Dee
- Birth of the Chaordic Age, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco.
- Kahane, Adam
- Solving Tough Problems
- Jaworski, J.
- Synchronicity
- Marshall, Stephanie Pace:
- The Power to Transform: Leadership that Brings Learning and Schooling to Life
- Scharmer, Otto
- Theory U
- Senge, Peter
- The Fifth Discipline
The Fifth Discipline Field Book (with Ross, Smith, Roberts, and Kleiner)
The Art and Practise of The Learning Organization The Dance of Change (with Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts)
- Senge, P., Scharmer, O., Jaworski J., Flowers BS
- Presence. Human Purpose and the Field of the Future
- Sutherland, Jessie
- Worldview skills: transforming conflict from the inside out
- Wheatley, Margaret
- Leadership and the New Science
Turning to One Another. Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future Finding Our Now
A Simpler Way (with Myron Kellner-Rogers)
- Wenger, Etienne
Communities of Practice: learning, meaning, and identity.
- Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott, William M. Snyder
Cultivating Communities of Practice
- Etienne Wenger, Nancy White, John D Smith
Digital Habitats; stewarding technology for communities. This book, also has a resourceful blog.
LIVING SYSTEMS, COMPLEXITY AS WORLDVIEW (see conversation on this site)
- Morgan, Gareth
Images of Organization
- Shaw, Patricia
Changing Conversations in Organizations
- Stacey, Ralph
Complexity and Organizational Reality
- Herman, Louis G.
Future Primal: How Our Wilderness Origins Show Us the Way Forward
- Phipps, Carter
Evolutionaries: Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential and Science's Greatest Idea
- Arrien, Angeles
The Four Fold Way
- Atleo, Richard (Umeek)
Tsawalk: A Nuu-Chah-Nulth Worldview
- Beck, Don and Cowan, Chris
Spiral Dynamics
- Capra, Fritjof
The Web of Life
- Chodron, Pema
The Places that Scare You
- Johnson, Basil
Ojibway Ceremonies
- Katie, Byron
Loving What Is
- Lao Tzu
Tao te Ching
- Macy, Joanna and Brown, Molly
Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World
- Lindahl, Kay
Practicing the Sacred Art of Listening: A Guide to Enrich Your Relationships and Kindle Your Spiritual Life
- Ruiz, Don Miguel
The Four Agreements - A Toltec Wisdom Book
- Wheatley, Margaret
- Wilber, Ken
Sex, Ecology and Spirituality
- Wilber, Ken
A Theory of Everything
- Stephen Duns has made a 8-page long list of books (in 2009); related to the methodologies (Circle, World Café, Open Space Technology and Appreciative Inquiry) as well as to the worldview of complex adaptive systems, and sense making and collective intelligence. 0911 AoH ReadingList SDuns.doc
- Heather Plett has compiled a list on Amazon, out of advice from the AoH community, 2011.
- Tree Bressen, expert in consensus, has also an extensive book list on her website.