The Art of Hosting

Benjamin Kafka
  • Germany
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Benjamin Kafka's Friends

  • Kati Orav
  • Thomas Jäger
  • Mischa Altmann
  • Anna Hanschmidt
  • Juliane Martina Röll
  • Markus Wittwer
  • Cristiano Siri
  • Sophie Schaarschmidt
  • alex
  • Peggy Pazour
  • Luigi Spiga
  • Naomi Raja Boean
  • Marien Baerveldt
  • Olivier Chaput
  • Griet Hellinckx

Benjamin Kafka's Groups


Benjamin Kafka's Page

Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I heard about AoF from a friend, who was at one of the gatherings in Denmark. I find the image of the chaordic path very interesting, and I am thrilled by the lively network of people, institutions and ideas.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
I took part in the AoH at Karlskrona in Sweden - which was a beautiful experience. I have many years of experience working as a host of global education seminars - using many of the tools developed in the AoH community. Recently, I am more and more interested in exchanging about this work on a meta-level, trying to better understand how I sense the field and take up the leadership mug in guiding group processes.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
Which conversations do we need to co-create a future in which human beings can happily co-exist on this planet? (The big topics :-)
Where do you live/work?
Berlin, Germany
Would you like to share a web address?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I have a passion for music, synergy and synchronicity that I have known of for a long time - and am more and more beginning to explore.

Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 2:34pm on April 6, 2012, Agota Eva Ruzsa said…

Dear Benjamon, 

It sounds very beautiful..I am glad to have been invited to look into...Thanks, Agota

At 5:07pm on May 10, 2011, Frauke Godat said…
Hallo Benjamin, du kommst doch da unten aus der Ecke...magst du der Gruppe "Hosts in Süddeutschland" beitreten? Und kennst du Menschen aus dem süddeutschen Raum, die bei einem AoH Training waren? Gruss, Frauke
At 11:04am on February 3, 2011, Rowan said…

A very warm welcome to you Benjamin


Hope you find this space useful and will help keeping it alive and vibrant.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to drop me a line.


Warm regards


On behalf of the online hosting team

Rowan Simonsen

At 12:01pm on February 2, 2011, Ria Baeck said…

A welcome from me too Benjamin!

You will find some people from Germany here, and you might know Frauke Godat, who lives in Berlin and knows the AoH quite well.


At 11:34am on February 2, 2011, Benjamin Aaron Degenhart said…
Hey Benjamin, a pleasure to see you joining here! a warm welcome to you :)

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