The Art of Hosting


Salon Hosting

Here we can share what are the essentials for running, founding, nurturing a physical or mobile place, where people gather in authenticity,  refine their listening culture in order to contribute to a collective conversation. 

Location: global
Members: 43
Latest Activity: Mar 20, 2019

Salon culture

Salons have existed in many forms, and since a decade or so are in a revival phase. What most of these salons might be missing, is the participatory conversation culture, which is at the heart of this intention.

With the grassroots experience of founding and nurturing the Bregenzer Salon, I want to offer some experience and good practices, and invite others in to share their experience, so we can all learn from each other.

Here is some history from the field of "salons", that can inspire us. Let's look at some of the roots here. 

The core message is: A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation.

In our fast moving world a salon can offer space for slowing down. It also works best when it creates and operates in a space between public and private. Anyone is invited to come and participate in personal capacity, and agrees to the proposed set of salon rules.

Conversation Forum

The Catalyst: questions about an event to help (young) people change the world 5 Replies

<I adapted this post from a mail I sent to the AoH maillist because someone suggested I might get more answers here.>Dear all,With this post I would like to tell you all what a group of friends…Continue

Tags: question, salon

Started by Jelmer de Ronde. Last reply by Ria Baeck Feb 13, 2014.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Salon Hosting to add comments!

Comment by Ursula Hillbrand on December 20, 2013 at 7:56am

Es ist wieder so weit! Salonhosting Workshop die zweite..

Join us for our Salonhosting workshop on 2 January 2014, and co-host the evening with us!


Comment by Ursula Hillbrand on December 25, 2012 at 6:16pm

Unser erster Salon hosting basics workshop am 4.1. mit anschliessendem SalonNeujahrsFest. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen!

Event details

Comment by Josef Kreitmayer on December 1, 2012 at 9:01am

thrilled ; )
like it ; )

; )


Members (42)


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