The Art of Hosting

Flemming Funch
  • Male
  • Toulouse
  • France
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Flemming Funch's Friends

  • Sebastien Paquet
  • Juliane Martina Röll
  • John Kellden
  • Johnnie Moore
  • George Por
  • Nancy Bragard
  • Chris Corrigan
  • Martin Ludvigsen

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Flemming Funch's Page

Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
The term is relatively new to me. Don't know where I first heard it. I've been into group hosting and facilitation in one way or another for many years.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
I've facilitated some open source gatherings and dialogue groups, and participated in many more. I've started/facilitated online groups attempting to work on similar principles. I seem to have an intuitive sense of individual and group processes, but I'm sure there's a lot I can learn.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
Creating environments where collective intelligence tends to emerge.
Where do you live/work?
SW France
Would you like to share a web address?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
dance, aquaponics, philosophy, new civilizations

The Art of Not Doing

A talk at a tech conference, somewhat about hosting. Followed by a bit of a dialogue space.

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At 5:19am on February 12, 2013, Nancy Bragard said…

Ah, OK, another citizen of the world! There are more and more of us who, when asked "where are you from?" look perplexed, then laugh, then try to give our long story in a few phrases. It's wonderful, isn't it, to find others like this?...

Glad to have you among the francophone and you're onto something new and cutting edge with online virtual facilitation... I've come into the concept of "virtual closeness", something we really need today.

En tous cas, le jour où tu viens sur Paris, fais-moi signe!

Bien à toi!

At 5:54pm on February 11, 2013, Nancy Bragard said…

Hello Flemming and welcome to the Art of Hosting community! Tu habites Toulouse et pourtant ton site (et ton nom!) laisse présumer que tu es anglophone. This is a really diverse community, la diversité permet une grande richesse! Télécharge une photo pour qu'on puisse faire "meilleure connaissance" avec toi. Et si le coeur t'en dit, rejoins le groupe francophone, né du premier Art of Hosting à Compiègne en 2010. La communauté francophone grandit aussi depuis janvier quand il y a eu le premier AoH à Montréal. Tu trouveras sur le ning de belles conversations et plein de ressources pour faire évoluer tes pratiques. Bienvenue parmi nous, et j'espère sous peu te rencontrer! I'm American, have been living in France since 1975!


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