How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
get in contact through my passion for hosting - found it 2 years ago via internet - also through mates on my way in the integral path
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
I am hosting since 6 years an integral salon - so learnd a lot in sharing insights and develop outcomes through a proecess. through constellationwork - since 14 years I am trained in listening to the field and being medium and transformer of energy. I am inspired through Otto Scharmer work and Arnold Mindell. As an artist - dancing , painting , ritual work, creating atmosphere for events - I know about the impact off colours , forms and energys.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
in seminar work around the topics female and male energy, dialog based salonwork, teaching young male in being present und dealing with inner and outer conflicts, in constellationwork together with working with the energy of the group soul....
Where do you live/work?
near Munich
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I am involved in a field, called wib - where women create an experimental space to deepen their unterstanding of each other, individually and together - collectivly. Sometimes along a guide line - a theme, sometimes in putting together ideas and finding the process line to create a higher potence of possibilities.Using the integral modell and different creative methods - as gift from each participant.
Liebe Susanya, mein Zugang zu virtuellen Netzwerken ist eher spärlich, deshalb habe ich Ihr Nachricht vom März erst jetzt gesehen. Vielleicht interessiert Sie unsere Veranstaltung Anfang September, bitte nachschauen unter, hat glaub ich einiges auch mit Ihrer Arbeit zu tun. Einen herzlichen Gruß, Carmen Feuchtner
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Liebe Susanya, mein Zugang zu virtuellen Netzwerken ist eher spärlich, deshalb habe ich Ihr Nachricht vom März erst jetzt gesehen. Vielleicht interessiert Sie unsere Veranstaltung Anfang September, bitte nachschauen unter, hat glaub ich einiges auch mit Ihrer Arbeit zu tun. Einen herzlichen Gruß, Carmen Feuchtner
ich freue mich auf weitere kraftvolle begegnungen
Hello Susanya, great to have you here!
I do hope we will meet each other, sooner or later... it will come, I'm sure!
Welcome Susanya, schau Dich mal um! Freue mich auf eine spannende Zeit zusammen!
Hi Susanya, a warm welcome to you in this Online Community!
If you upload a profile picture i can add you to our collage.
Here are plenty of good ressources and conversations - may this space be meaningful for you and inspire your contribution.
Please don't hesitate to ask Mary Alice or me if you have questions about this site. We are hosting this online space these days.