The Art of Hosting


Art of Harvesting

Group born out of the 1st AoH Training in Bregenz investigating deeper into questions of harvesting... but open for all material related to harvesting! / Gruppe, die sich aus dem Bregenzer AoH ergeben hat und die sich intensiver mit der Frage des Hostings auseinandersetzt ...

Location: Lausanne
Members: 41
Latest Activity: Oct 19, 2021

Conversation Forum

Good harvesting examples 7 Replies

Have you seen the harvest done by Frauke and her friend? on an iPad! life…Continue

Tags: harvesting, graphic, life, harvest, iPad

Started by Ria Baeck. Last reply by Jelmer de Ronde Nov 3, 2013.

Harvesting a design day from the Bregenzer Salon AoH Training

Find here a small video captured while Ursula is explaining us the general flow of a AoH training. It's taken from a "Designtag" in the Bregenzer Salon where the hosting team opens up for…Continue

Tags: day, Designtag, Design, Salon, Bregenzer

Started by Thomas Jäger Sep 18, 2013.

Harvest from a TEDx one day event 3 Replies

I'd like to share these visuals for this group Visual Event Summary. I have been involved with…Continue

Tags: Harvest, Visual, Thinking, Recording, Facilitation

Started by Ole Qvist-Sørensen. Last reply by Ria Baeck Oct 24, 2012.

Art of Hosting Vertiefungstraining

Liebe alle! Dies wird zwar kein reines Art of Harvesting Training werden, Harvesting wird aber eines der Schwerpunkte des Trainings hier sein! Wir freuen uns, euch zu unserem ersten…Continue

Tags: Salon, Bregenzer, Harvesting

Started by Ursula Hillbrand Sep 27, 2012.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Art of Harvesting to add comments!

Comment by Janice Thomson on December 10, 2013 at 12:13pm

I created a simple list of harvesting tools for an Art of Harvesting Day in Chicago in May 2013. I put it on google docs so others can add to it. So please do!

Comment by Kara Stonehouse on October 23, 2012 at 9:41pm

I showed this image at the Graphic Recording Course in Calgary, and a participant said, "I am going to see her next week, I'll give it to her!"  

She emailed me and said thanks and she has had it framed on her wall!  

The power of images to connect! 

Comment by Lisa Dymond on October 23, 2012 at 9:22pm

Hi, Everyone, I'm here to learn & contribute.  I work in the areas of attachment-based developmental approach to working with children & families towards language & thinking skills.  We work collaboratively to set goals & make plans.  Teachers & administrators are often part of those conversations, as well.  I'm new to graphic recording & am thrilled to be exercising that part of my brain, as part of those conversations with families.  So happy to connect.  Currently, in Western Canada, and on the move.  Thank you!

Comment by Kara Stonehouse on September 10, 2012 at 5:51pm

Inviting you all from the Harvesting group to join a Calgary workshop on graphic recording!  We intend to make a community of practice around it! 

The workshop is Sept 27,28 2012 check out the events sections for more details. 

For those further a field, an informal group of us host people on Skype for graphic jam sessions.  Second Wed of each month for the rest of 2012.  Message me if you would like to join in! 

Comment by Chris Altmikus on March 20, 2012 at 12:37am

There is another conversation thread on this platform on harvesting...

Check it out:More on harvesting....

Comment by Gerhard Evers on March 17, 2012 at 7:44am

Okay, super. Wollen wir vorab noch eine Zielsetzung fuer die Stunde abstimmen oder erstmal freier Dialog mit dem Ziel das Ziel zu finden?

Comment by Chris Altmikus on March 17, 2012 at 3:03am

Ich hab'  jetzt das Doodle geschlossen und wir haben unser erstes Skype-Treffen jetzt am kommenden Dienstag, 20.03., von 18h00 bis 19h00. Ich werde den Call starten und bitte die, die sich noch beteiligen möchten, hier einfach ihre Skype-Adresse zu hinterlassen. Ich freue mich bereits...

Comment by Chris Altmikus on March 17, 2012 at 2:38am

Hier noch ein weiteres Geschenk von einer anderen AoH-Freundin aus Berlin, der Ursel...


Comment by Gerhard Evers on March 16, 2012 at 1:17pm

Super, danke Chris :-)

Comment by Chris Altmikus on March 16, 2012 at 7:34am

Hier noch einige Hinweise von einer AoH-Freundin aus Berlin... 

Vorgehensweisen im openSpace, in Verbindung mit anderen Verfahren. Harvesting eingeschlossen : Harvesting im Open Space (Danke, Bettina!)


Members (41)


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