24 members
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24 members
From the email list, starting late 2018:On Dec 20, 2018, at 2:43 AM, Monica Nissen <monica@interchange.dk> wrote: And I still have a working assumption that the four-fold practise is…Continue
Tags: education, systems, organisations
Started Jan 7, 2019
from email exchanges, summer 2017:Toke Paludan Møller <tokemoller@me.com> wrote:On the Art of stewarding.Friends, these are my reflections…Continue
Tags: stewardship, stewarding, steward
Started Aug 8, 2017
From the emaillist, Aug.2017:Dear friends,This might be a bit of a strange request/question but it makes sense to me to place it here amongst this diverse group of stewards and matesHave you or How…Continue
Tags: collaboration, competition, tender
Started Aug 7, 2017
A thread on the AoH emaillist that is worth keeping - many great topics were raised!!!!July 2017: Tatiana Glad <tdglad@gmail.com>…Continue
Tags: Laloux, Wilber, eurocentric, institutions, public
Started Aug 2, 2017
Added by Ria Baeck
Posted on May 23, 2011 at 5:48am
Posted on January 29, 2011 at 2:40pm
I came across a nice blog post on the Art of Weaving; really worthwhile reading!
Here is one of the first paragraphs:
"Weaving, the principal leadership practice in Network Organizing, is an intentional practice of helping people connect to information, opportunity, each other and, most importantly, their own personal power. Weavers do this by opening new…
ContinuePosted on December 18, 2010 at 4:09pm
Dag Ria,
ja, ik was op de 3daagse in Planica, Slovenia vorig jaar. En ik heb ervan genoten. In zekere zin is m'n AoH leerreis heel erg verbonden met dat mooie land aan de andere kant van de Alpen. Ik stuur je dadelijk mn adres, dan kan je me op die geheimzinnige lijst zetten :) Hartelijke groet, L
Over dadelen gesproken...
Ken je timerepublik al? Dat is ook een startend netwerk, zoals dadelen, maar dan wereldwijd, met minuten ipv dadels :) Ik vindt vooral leuk dat het zo internationaal is. Helaas hebben ze in't het aanbod 'facilitator, procesbegeleider, etc. -nog- niet opgenomen.
Dag Ria,
dat ken ik :) we ontmoetten elkaar daarna trouwens nog kort op de Dadel-dag in het Kaaitheater...
je mag me zeker toevoegen aan de lijst van activelingen in Vlaanderen. Ik woon nog tot eind maart in Spanje, en daarna vertrek ik naar Duitsland, maar ik kom nog vaak (en graag) naar 'huis'. Ik wil de komende tijd heel graag meer ontwikkellen en vooral-doen- met AoH en je mag me ook zeker contacteren als je helpende handen (& hart & hoofd) nodig hebt!
groet, Lara
Thank you. Good to hear from you - hoping you're doing well !
Have a nice summer.
Hallo Ria, Dank je wel voor de groepslinken. En ja, ik probeer me inderdaad uit te drukken in het NL ;-)
Looks great! Here is the PDF... please feel free to email it out to the listserv (I would love to let Chris tell the broader community about the CoP; it has been close to his heart for much longer than me).
Hi Ria! Have a look at the attached - let me know if that captured your ideas? And please do post it wherever it would be helpful.
Hello Ria,
I had to clean my blog.
That's why I deleted an article talking about Pro Action Café.
But if you want, I can send it to you.
I Still have this article on my blog : http://blog.beesent.com/2011/06/seminaire-art-of-hosting-presentation-generale/.
Hello Ria,
I Have troubles with my blog and I'll tell you when it works again.
OK...my skype is agotahungary...
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