The Art of Hosting

Ria Baeck's Blog (11)

Reflections after revolution in Spain

Shared by Toke Moeller, after Agota Rsuza had written a report on the AoH emaillist about what she experienced in Madrid, on May 21, 2011.
Thank you Agota for sharing this moment in Madrid.....with us. 
It inspires me to let some words from the heart flow....
Transformation thru listening
Thru circle
Thru opening the space
in The squares
In The Streets 
In The minds
In The…

Added by Ria Baeck on May 23, 2011 at 5:48am — No Comments

Lessons from a Journey of Collaboration

“Building Together for Our Children”: Lessons from a Journey of Collaboration
I enjoyed reading this report of insights and learnings by Marianne Knuth, of a process she facilitated in South Africa. It was posted (Dec 9th, 2010) on the…

Added by Ria Baeck on January 29, 2011 at 2:40pm — No Comments

Practical Mystics


Added by Ria Baeck on December 24, 2010 at 9:27am — No Comments

The Art of Weaving

I came across a nice blog post on the Art of Weaving; really worthwhile reading!

Here is one of the first paragraphs:

"Weaving, the principal leadership practice in Network Organizing, is an intentional practice of helping people connect to information, opportunity, each other and, most importantly, their own personal power. Weavers do this by opening new…


Added by Ria Baeck on December 18, 2010 at 4:09pm — No Comments

Relationship between old and new story

The Open Space session that I convened in the afternoon of the third day was framed as: How will the relationship be between Citizens, Economy and Politics in the new story?, using the systemic constellation work as a way of going with it. Some of the participants were interested in the topic, others came more to have an experience with the method as such. As much as I have done and participated in constellations, I was once again fascinated by ‘the result’ we got out of only half hour… Continue

Added by Ria Baeck on August 1, 2010 at 6:39pm — 1 Comment

Nuggets of learning about the new story

We had a most wonderful day – the third – in our learning gathering Art of Humans Being. It was juicy, it had song, it had a lot of embodied stuff... I think you can say it had a wholeness and fullness to it and I saw a lot of twinkling eyes and many, many conversations going on.

I want to share the nuggets we shared at the end of the day in the ceremony firecircle, here on the land. There was no fire, but there was the music of the flute that welcomed us; as it had done in the… Continue

Added by Ria Baeck on August 1, 2010 at 6:26pm — No Comments

The Story of Us

Un unseen spark

fertilizes the space

ripening what is

between us...

Who are my mates

and who wants to play?

Who is here

and who wants

to partner

in the story of us?

What is the juice

that drips from your soul?

How do your passions

nourish the world?

If your heart is a spoon

whose holy mouth

do you feed?

What is the story of us?

A covenant with nature

without the illicit… Continue

Added by Ria Baeck on July 31, 2010 at 4:13pm — No Comments

Moving to Open Space

This is what is going on right now: Open Space!…





Added by Ria Baeck on July 31, 2010 at 12:27pm — No Comments

Elements for the New Story

Third day in our learnIng gathering. We started with some singing and then moved to some excersises that were inspired by the systemic constellation work. First it was a relating to our highest potential – life’s work – soul – higher self; all in silence and using the body to sense the nuances and try new… Continue

Added by Ria Baeck on July 31, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments


Collages from our experience in nature... the invitation was to listen to nature. This was the overall question: What is it that humanity needs to remember in order to rewild, repattern and restory?…




Added by Ria Baeck on July 30, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments


First morning here in the Art of Humans Being in the Essex Conference center. Not yet 7 am and I see already some people around writing in their notebooks; I hear a conversation going on in the background... I’m sitting here on my bed; the sun is sending its rays through the trees’ branches. My little room being under the roof, I see branches all around, as if sitting in a tree hut.

What to tell about our half day together yesterday? I’m not sure. There is nothing that really stands… Continue

Added by Ria Baeck on July 30, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments

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