The Art of Hosting

Hosting with the subtle worlds


Hosting with the subtle worlds

In this group we share experiences of influences from the subtle realms in participatory processes.

Members: 61
Latest Activity: Mar 16, 2019

Conversation Forum

Alchemy of World Service - hosting with the subtle worlds - unlimited potential for LIFE on all levels/dimensions

I am sensing those of you drawn to this conversations on subtle worlds are the ones who embody capacity to hold an intentional place of connection and integrity in alchemizing, in co-creating…Continue

Tags: worlds, subtle, collective, alchemy

Started by Judy Wallace Mar 9, 2014.

Hosting with the elementals 11 Replies

I would like to explore with you how elementals can help in hosted processes. This goes back to an experience we witnessed during a practice day in the EC last year.My dear colleague and mate Helen…Continue

Tags: space, world, subtle, elementals, elements

Started by Ursula Hillbrand. Last reply by Janet Blayone Dec 2, 2013.

NEW BOOK - The Fine Line of Destiny, Second Edition

The Fine Line of Destiny, Second Edition © 2013 by Sarah Whiteley is published and…Continue

Tags: evolution, wholeness, intention, consciousness, arts

Started by Sarah Whiteley Nov 11, 2013.

Subtle Artistry of Conscious Evolution Research 2 Replies

Dear FriendsIn recent months, I have been diving deep ... exploring, excavating ... and sometimes balancing on the edge between the Dark Night and the Void ... an evolutionary 'edge' I greatly feared…Continue

Tags: wisdom, research, evolution, conscious, arts

Started by Sarah Whiteley. Last reply by Ria Baeck Sep 29, 2013.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Ursula Hillbrand on March 23, 2011 at 4:52pm

Dear Lisa, thanks for sharing your workbook. It is the most comprehensive I have ever seen!

Comment by Carla Kimball on March 23, 2011 at 9:52am
Thanks for setting this up Ursula.  I too attended the Art of Humans Being in Massachusetts and through that experience was reminded (again) of how much wisdom the natural world has to offer.  Through a regular practice of movement and dance improvisation, I've also discovered the power of listening below the words.  Lately, I've been realizing that it's when I allow myself to drop into this level of being that I feel most alive!  And, it's through these practice that I seem to also encounter, again and again, the magic in the center.
Comment by Analesa Rose Berg on March 22, 2011 at 4:40pm

Thanks Ursula and Helen for broadening the field. The Art of Humans Being held in August 2010 in Massachusetts USA may have been the first AoH-inspired gatherings that visibly brought in the sacred and subtle realms. I know this topic has surfaced in other gatherings in Brazil and I suspect elsewhere. Here is a link to our workbook which offers many ways of knowing in addition to the core AoH hosting practices.

Our workbook

Comment by Ursula Hillbrand on March 22, 2011 at 7:01am

Thanks Helen, that's exactly what I thought can be attracted into this group conversation. So I edited the group's name, to make it broader.


Comment by Helen Titchen Beeth on March 22, 2011 at 2:52am

Thanks for bringing this in, Ursula! As you know, there are many more denizens in the subtle realms than just the elementals, and identity (what/who they are) is less important to them than function (what they're for in service to the greater whole). That is one reason why creating this group makes so much sense - so we can understand better the many ramifications of what we are for - we being not just humans, but more particularly we who feel called to convene and host these conversations that matter.

For those of you who join this group who don't yet know, I am hosting a blog about my own conversations with the subtle realms, called Aquarian Conversations, where there are more insights into all these things.

Comment by Analesa Rose Berg on March 21, 2011 at 8:37pm
Well, this will be fun!! Thanks for the invitation, Ursula.
Comment by Judy Wallace on March 21, 2011 at 7:29pm


Thanks for this beginning and the inspiration it brings up in me to notice, to pay attention, and to invite in the subtle world(s).  Holding this in awareness as groups come together, I will be present to this potential - to invite, to ask, to sense, to learn, to name, to activate an even greater collective than we as humans think we are. It seems the Earth is here too, watching, smiling. 


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