The Art of Hosting

Dear colleagues,


I started to do interviews with people in my community who are at transition stage of their life journey, using the U-journaling practice.

These stories are personal, so there is no intention to share the harvest with others, although I would like to capture the story and send it to participant so that the person could keep it and take an inspiration from it later on.

I need your wisdom in capturing individual stories. If you have any examples of such (especially with drawings, quotes, other creative expressions) or any other advice related to harvesting/capturing such stories, I'd be really happy to take it in my work.


Thank you, warm regards from Moscow,




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Hello Katya,

Your request is particularly significant as for the past year or so, I've been in my deep dive down the U as I complete my current career and make preparation for my future.  I started blogging as a way to chronicle my impressions and experiences ( wherein I've made several references the Theory U.  Most recently, in my community of practice (AOH, process facilitators, community builders), I invited them to "pre-sence" via a little experience in process painting, and shared back an example in my blog.  I also create slideshows - with moviemaker, photostory - to capture the essence.  A collage, or image, or photo, that emerges from my listening to their story with a quote... a nice talisman.



Hello Katharine,


Your writing inspired me a lot, it came in the right moment. I did a second interview yesterday and came home with mixxed feelings of how it went and how I need to be during the process.

However after reading your blog I let go of those emotions and got so many ideas of how I could express the insights from the story of my interviewee so that I am able to send him the talisman (I love how you call it!).  It is such a beautiful way to honor someone's story.

I would love to keep connected and share the ways we can make talismans for others :)





Great conversation ladies!!! I'm following with attention.

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