The Art of Hosting

Tina Meckel-Wille
  • Female
  • Alfter/Bonn, Germany
  • Germany
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Tina Meckel-Wille's Friends

  • Barbara Kruse
  • Bertram Meusburger
  • Claudia Gross
  • Adam Molyneux-Berry
  • Mohamed El Mongy
  • Rolf Schneidereit
  • Hala Makarem
  • Karen Schmidt
  • julie arts
  • Ursula Hillbrand
  • Mary Alice Arthur

Tina Meckel-Wille's Groups


Tina Meckel-Wille's Page

Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I am writing my MBA thesis on related appraoches, such as Theory U, World Cafe, Appreciative Inquiry and Open Space, Despair and Empowerment work and how they could be applied to an inernational NGO. While interviewing a coach on these issues, he mentioned how the Art of Hosting had been key for him. I looked it up immediately and found the missing piece in the puzzle!
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
Did a Training in Vorarlberg in May 2013, but have been familiar with formats (Open Space, World Cafe, etc) long time beforehand. Am a big fan of Theory U, Jaworski's books and Bohmian systemic thinking, as well as Thich Nhat Hanh, Erich Fromm, Joanna Macey and many others. Had the fortune to do an BSc in Aboriginal studies in Australia and engage with stimulating projects on Aboriginal Art and have often focussed on indigenous perspectives in my studies and am aiming to integrate it more into my work.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
I am working in the Leadership Development Programme of the GIZ, German Society for International Cooperation where we are applying a very similar approach, called "leadership for Global responsibility" . Previously, I worked as Learning policy manager at Fairtrade International developing a concept to establish a learning culture in the organisation. Bonn is a very international city focussed on sustainability and international (development) cooperation. Growing up bi-cultural (Welsh mom and part of childhood in Australia) I am very interested in the beautiful diversity but also commonality of all of us on this planet.
Where do you live/work?
Germany, in the village of Alfter near Bonn

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At 5:53am on September 19, 2022, Vince Verlaan said…

Hello Tina and great profile. Lots for us to discuss if you have a moment. I'm also part Welsh!

But more important is this posting I just made: pls read and let me know if we can discuss by email sometime soon. Vince

Hello everyone and I am a Canadian living in Tunisia, married to a Muslim woman from Sousse, very experienced in Hosting and facilitation, doing projects internationally for over 15 years. Moved to Tunisia and the region one year ago and am really loving it. I would be thrilled to meet and discuss with others in the region about your work, and to learn more about what you are doing or hope to do. Pls note I have developed and delivered university courses on dialogue and facilitation with a strong focus on democratic development, social issues, and the environment. Training, capacity building and mentoring are huge priorities for me, as is learning from and with others.  My CV is posted on LinkedIn if you want to learn more. But my main request is that you say hello here and we discuss how we can help each other. Thanks, vince

At 5:45pm on December 15, 2014, Mary Alice Arthur said…

Lovely to meet you too, Tina!  Sorry for the long delay in seeing your note!  Hope you are having a easy slide into the holidays.  Looking forward to working with you in the future.

At 6:06pm on January 28, 2014, Mohamed El Mongy said…

Welcome to AoH Egypt Tina, we also have a FB group for AoH practitioners living in Egypt and have attended AoH training.

If you ant to meet some of us who apply AoH practices in Egypt please let me know.


At 6:49pm on November 18, 2013, Karen Schmidt said…
Tina, great pleasure to meet you, too!
At 7:41am on April 13, 2013, Ursula Hillbrand said…

Versteh Dich nur all zu gut, das mit den Kindern (hab ich auch), und das mit dem akademischen Ansatz. For the academic exchange you can contact Niklas Bruce for the students side and currently conducting interviews with practitioners worldwide in a team with two more. There are Marco Valente and Tracy Meisterheim, working with the educational team there. Wishing you a fruitful exchange and deepening! And looking forward to some results of course! And finally here on the NIng you can find a research section with papers already produced.

At 5:52am on April 13, 2013, Ursula Hillbrand said…

Herzlich willkommen in der Art of Hosting community, Tina! Interessant, dass Du eine Arbeit über die Methoden schreibst, es gibt gerade noch ein Team von MBA Studenten, die das tun, in Karlskorona, Schweden, allerdings mit dem Fokus Social Capaital. Wenn die Zeit es erlaubt, kann ich sehr empfehlen, entweder ein Training oder ein Event zu besuchen, das Art of Hosting als "Betriebssystem" benutzt, da es schon ein anderer Zugang ist, und eine besondere, vielleicht ganzheitlichere Erfahrung. Das nächste AoH Training auf deutsch findet im Mai in Vorarlberg statt. Lieben Gruss, Ursula


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