The Art of Hosting

Creating a compelling invitation is an art form.  A great invitation opens the space to deeper conversation and collaboration.  It offers a theme or topic and leaves space for people to bring their interests, challenges and work to it.


This is a place to post invitation and support materials examples so that others can share design, wording and focus.


The materials I've attached here are from the 2010 Art of Hosting training cycle in New Zealand.  They were created in Pages, a Mac application.

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Our original design was a set of two 3 day trainings in Wellington & Auckland, plus a 3 day event on children and a Warrior of the Heart training. This morphed into a 3 day training in Wellington, plus two 1 day workshops in Auckland and Wellington.
I also created two other support documents -- a short overview of all the programmes we were offering in the 2010 cycle, and a FAQ (frequently asked questions) sheet.  Attached here is also our Chaordic Constitution.

Dear Mary.

I entered the AoH page today with the intention of starting a new Conversation with the name "The Art of Invitation" - And there it was already!

Thank you for that.


I am in the invitation process for a 3 day workshop with the theme "Future of Education" that will take place in Aalborg, Denmark in September.

We, the hosting team are planning 3 pre-meetings (Copenhagen, Århus and Aalborg) where we invite potential participants for information about the workshop, purpose and the methods of AoH.


Your attachments are very useful for me, and if you have any further recomendations from your experience with invitations and/or pre-meetings to AoH workshops; please share.


The invitation process is part of my final exam project at the Kaospilots, so hopefully I will be able to feed some good learning back into the system.


Nanna Frank who is also a kaospilot + member of this group and I have made this stop motion movie as part of the invitation. Unfortunately it is in Danish but you can at least see the concept for inspiration


- Anne



- And off course replies, inspiration, and good ideas from everyone else is very much apreciated.


Love Anne

There is also a one-page document written by Chris Corrigan in 2010, that goes deeper into the Art of Invitation. Invitation as a process and an attitude of life. Please find below. More to find on invitation on Chris' website.

From the email list January 2013 from Anne Madsen - invitation to an Art of Harvesting

Greetings dear Community
We are very exited to invite you all to the Art of HARVESTING training in Kalundborg, Denmark. 
The dates for the training are Monday 10 March - Wednesday 13 March, 2013.

This is the first time in history that an open training in the Art of Harvesting is being offered in Europe, and we are very curious to see what learning and knowledge will emerge within the field during our time together.

Attached this email you will find the full invitation.

Below you find most of the practical information regarding the training.

You can also visit the web page for additional information


From the email list February 2013... invitation PDF from Maria

Dear Friends,

With much joy, I attach the invitation to our second AoPL training in Greece - this time in Athens.

We, in Greece are seeing incredible acts of citizen agency and systemic innovation coming from the necessity that arises as the current system disintegrates.  We are calling together people who want to learn first hand of this phenomenal transformation that is happening to inspire and give courage to ourselves to keep creating new forms of social enterprising and innovation.  For this reason - we have also included an additional day as a Learning Journey for those who want to come and meet some of the people who are creating these new ways of living and working.

Please do not hesitate to contace me  or Odysseas Velentzas if you have any additional information.



From the email list February 2013 - an invitation document

Hello mates!

Here's another opportunity to practice in good company!  The Art of Participatory Leadership will take place 4 - 7 April in Hamburg, Germany.  Toke, Monica and I will be stewarding and we are joined by an excellent crew of hosts and apprentices.  If you are keen to deepen your practice -- please join us!  If you know of others who want to learn more about The Art of Hosting & Harvesting Conversations That Matter -- send them to us!  You can see more on the attached pdf flyer or on this website:

Hope we see you there, celebrating Spring!
Mary Alice Arthur

Hi friends,


connected to the recent post from Tim around supporting materials for the taster day, here are the materials from Zagreb awareness day in 2009   - invitation document, handout, design and our harvesting document.


Love and smiles,



Jasmina Lukacevic said:

Hi friends,


connected to the recent post from Tim around supporting materials for the taster day, here are the materials from Zagreb awareness day in 2009   - invitation document, handout, design and our harvesting document.


Love and smiles,



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