The Art of Hosting

How to explain Art of Hosting training to those who don't know the training?

 Thank you very much for understanding for my sending this to you a few times in other ways.


Hi, beautiful Art of Hosting people

How are you?
Hope you are doing well wherever you are (^ ^).
My name is Yurie Makihara, originally from Japan and currently belong to Scandinavian Art of Hosting community in Sweden. I met this training at Art of Hosting training in Karlskrona 2010. 
I'd like to share a link to talk about 'what is the art of hosting?'
Any feedback would be most welcome, because that's what I want to learn deeper and to invite more people to this training.
As some of you might know, answering this questions has been a big challenge to me since I participated in this training 2 years ago. I wanted those who don't know this training to know how amazing it is, but I found that I had to say 'ocne you come, you will know it'. So please come!" which didn't work very well.
Thank you very much for all of your help, inspiring me, dropping in one my open sessions and advising English.  
I'd be very happy if this could be a stepping-stone to develop better ideas to do that.
So please five me feedback!
Hope to see you guys soon somewhere and practice together.
Have a wonderful day
Yuri @Karlskrona, Sweden.

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Hello Yuri,

I propose two things for you to consider, to let your idea and work spread more widely. First you could post this video here, on this site, under Media > Videos. The other idea is to share this video and your questions around it on the AoH emaillist/listserve. More people will respond there is my guess.

With love and gratitude to do this effort!


Hi, Ria

it's so nice of you to suggest this to me.

Actually I have got many encouragement to post this more, but now I found a practical way how to do.

Thank you so much.

I live in South Sweden closed to Copenhagen community. Where do you live?

Hope we will see somewhere and train together (^ ^).

Have a wonderful weekend.


I live in Belgium, but still a few days in the US right now... sunday going home again.

Who knows if our paths will cross...


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