The Art of Hosting

At our gathering in November 2011 and in other conversations, I have heard the wish expressed to expand our toolkit so as to adapt to the situation/problem/audience.

I found a useful book reference at the end of
Action Inquiry: Transforming Leadership in the Midst of Action.

The book is called The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today’s Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems - you can just google it, or search on online bookstores.

It contains one-page descriptions on more than 60 methods - see some examples here.

Enjoy the reading, and add your own favourites to this thread!


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There is a whole book list on this site, where this book is mentioned too.

Thanks, Dirk, I have heard only positive things about this book and have been on the verge of buying it! I think your post here will be the deciding factor... It takes up room on the bookshelf! and is a really wealthy resource.


Dick, great you added this - it is a book that takes up good space on the bookshelf but well worth it. It is a process hosts bible!  And has survived many of my frequent a book-shelf clearings over the years. Actually is worth having in a shared space for more people to use if any of you work in a place where that is possible. Also on Action Inquiry, any stuff by Torbert, Heron or Reason is super worthwhile for people seriously engaged in this AOH/AOPL work. I did 4 years of a MSC degree in it and was great stuff. Happy 2012 to you all! best, Tatiana

Beware - important not to confuse Action Inquiry (Torbert's work, on aspects of adult development) and Action Research, which is also super relevant and important, but a different thing altogether: a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a "community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve problems (see Wikipedia article on Action Research). All things we could benefit from having in our L&D library!

Good to hear, Tatiana - I am thinking of ordering a list of books for our Luxembourg HR Learning Center, so everyone can access them. Best wishes for this brand new year to you!


Tatiana Glad said:

Dick, great you added this - it is a book that takes up good space on the bookshelf but well worth it. It is a process hosts bible!  And has survived many of my frequent a book-shelf clearings over the years. Actually is worth having in a shared space for more people to use if any of you work in a place where that is possible. Also on Action Inquiry, any stuff by Torbert, Heron or Reason is super worthwhile for people seriously engaged in this AOH/AOPL work. I did 4 years of a MSC degree in it and was great stuff. Happy 2012 to you all! best, Tatiana


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