The Art of Hosting

A financial net for/by the AoH community - towards some Basic income guarantee

I joined a AoH community first in Sweden, Karlskrona, couple of month ago. During the last Pro Action Cafe, it was ask by one of the participant; "How to change this financial system?"... I, on my side, though (too late) let's set up a financial net toward some kind of Basic income guarantee for AoH practitioners and then maybe more persons to come.


David Reis, with who I share this thoughs, invited me to share it even more with all of you... I lack time but might be this sparks something... So here a draft of my first thoughs



Hi David, I actually tried to start a reply a week ago. I feel I am simply a bit too busy. But I believe you are right by sharing and asking for help there are more chance this idea come to reality.

I will try to write a first draft and open a discussion on the AoH ning.

It would be something inviting the people to think a financial net.

That our network could be a starting point for some kind of minimal incomes based on the sharing of everyone incomes (or part of).

To increase the attractivity of sharing I would propose the creation of a complementary currency. That currency would be usable between us to attend each others workshop or to exchange goods.
For instance for any shared incomes you put in, you would receive 10% back in complementary money.

The financial net, should be also a social one and so not only money resources would be shared but also potential resources as a possible job through a project or even some possibilities to go for food harvesting and any nature connected activities. (It is good to have a balance of "intellectual" jobs and nature connected/food production jobs.)

Here I am with some kind of draft. Maybe you could comment it and I would start from there in a AoH conversation or somewhere else (as you think.)

Thank you for your support, your comments and suggestions

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Hi Olivier, check out the Finance Lab that some AoH Stewards are co-hosting with the WWF UK...What does a financial system that serves people and planet look like?
In the same inquiry, in Belgium-Flanders we will have a Transition Open Space week ala Transition Do It Your self Festival and we will experiment during that week with a complementary currency; to see what effect it has on the community that is present and especially to learn from it for elsewhere!

@Ria:  I'm curious about it... Do you have more info?

@Frauke: I will have look and post there too :)


Thank you

Hi Olivier,

Your post showed up again this morning on the welcome page and here are some more thoughts:


- I am also exploring a basic income idea combined with crowdfunding (Benjamin from the AoH Community has crowdfunded for his KaosPilot studies) and learning partnerships. I have started a pilot with Daiton from Kufunda Learning Village in Zimbabwe last December and will meet somebody from the education innovation field in Germany next week to learn from their experience. They run a similar concept as this peer-led education group in the US: Think OutWord


- Leander from The Hub Brussels has been experimenting with alternative currency in this project and in The Hub context: leleskywalking[at]


- One of the German OpenSpace pioneers in Berlin is hosting the OpenSpace World Map: to be on it you pay 5-15€ per year. Profits from there and some OpenSpace trainings go into a fund where you can apply for a micro-loan to attend OpenSpace events.


Have a great Sunday,


Seems I am too busy to keep up... But that short message is to say I still care. Courage :)

Hi Olivier, here are some latest developments from our Basic Income experiment in Berlin (your feedback and questions are very welcome!):


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