From the email list February 2013....
Hi mates,
I have been asked at short notice to run an experiential team building exercise, that will take 2 hours 15 mins. The exercise will take place within a longer two day program for people who themselves run community leadership program's across Australia. There will be 20 or so of these program organisers.
I have the rope game, however I didn't think I could get that working over the two hour + time frame.
There was another one with tennis balls. Does anyone have instructions or another exercise that they would share?
With best wishes,
The tennis ball one I've used is where you start with one ball being tossed around in the circle. The host slowly introduces more and more balls, and then slowly begins to withdraw them (when passed to her or him) until the circle is again quiet. Conversation that follows is simple -- what as the experience like; what did you notice; how did you feel; how is it like real life?
Hi Bob,
thanks for that. I recall one where you set up a pattern and also introduce more balls.
The game I was thinking of was more of a team exercise and it was about design, however it doesn't have to be that- I would be excited about any useful, and fun experiential exercise that would work with team(s) and take that 2+ hr time,
best wishes
AH BOBsama
Dear Bob,
Thank you for your article and the wisdom therein. I so appreciate the simplicity with which you speak to these deep matters.I resonate with so many of the ideas you share. Your clarity of seeing…
I particularly step into the section ‘What is transformative change like?”
You give words to the place I am transitioning into. And have had no words for- again thank you.
I have just left paid employment (doing Generating Transformative Change through Pacific Integral which has been transformative for me) and am seeking to work from a place of receptivity, intuition and flow, however I disconnect, and contract when I doubt- when I have an expectation that as a consultant I’ll have the answers.
At present I don’t know where the invitation will come from, and places where I had assumed invitation may not seek what I do. You remind me that invitation is crucial. Toke taught me that.
I think my next step is to get to the heart of what I’m doing- and to know what I know and what I don’t know. So I will be authentic.
And to connect with others in honest relationship.
I will also follow up an opportunity to present at a national conference held locally and make visible the pioneering work I left at the university.
Thank you for writing and gifting the paper,
Deep bow,Jill
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