The Art of Hosting

1000 Table World Cafe in Israel - Interview, Inspiration & Invitation

On Saturday, 09/10/2011, 21:00, in front of the Tel - Aviv and throughout Israel, 1000 tables set the stage for a Round Table Discussion / World Cafe:

מהו אותו צדק חברתי שהעם דורש? What is it requires people to social justice?


Below is the email sent by Danny Gal, co-initiator and co-host of the event - and an interview with Danny, hosted by Maria Bakari in Rhodes.  Their dialogue illuminates the story, preparations & processes plus the excitement and clarities flowing since the event.  Together, they also illuminate essences that will inform and inspire many other movements, including here in Greece.



Dear friends,

We have done it! 10,000 people, 1000 round tables with facilitators, 40 places all over Israel. Amazing experience of collective wisdom and a call for wake up and social action and innovation.
I am still full of adrenalin and can't really grasp.
here are some pictures.

It was amazing to hear the productive silence of 5000 people in Tel Aviv (main event) discussing the future of our country.
We could not believe when we saw so many people attending and saying YES to our invitation to be part of the co-creation of the future of the democratic and just Israel.
Everyone could feel the power of Being together, listening and respecting the other.


For many people it was a first experience in such a dialogue and it was an eye opener.
I am proud that it happened in Israel, a place that is so often associated with violence and troubles.
The silent majority are people who believe in dialogue, respect and accepting the other.
The social technologies that we have learned in the last 20 years from the World Cafe, Open Space, Circle practice and others was now the platform to enable this miracle.
As you can see I am still under a kind of positive-spiritual awe. The ripples of this have just begun.
I invite all of you to take if forward. We feel an integral part of the world in that sense.
We are all part of one tissue that is now vibrating. time to act.
A big thank you to all of you who sent support emails and funds.
Danny Gal on behalf of many great people who made this happen.
p.s. we are collecting all the inputs from all the 1000 tables and putting them in an open-source manner in the formal website of the social-protest in Israel: (in Hebrew).
Also, We are collecting all the practical initiatives that people have suggested and creating an "Initiative Market" here:,il
please pay it forward

Danny Gal
Co-Founder, Hub Tel-Aviv

sign-up for our updates on events and meeting
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Mazoltov Danny & Friends!!  Congratulations!!

Finally, I share Maria (S) question she wrote in her email to Danny, "How do we unite our learning in the region - as we journey to wholeness?"  

And for me, inspired from Juanita's vision for the World Cafe:  How do we live the World as Cafe?

What are your questions? 


Let's continue: Join us for the Global Virtual World Cafe 

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Replies to This Conversation

thanks for posting this here Sarah. can you check the dropbox link? it didn't work for me.

also i was wondering if there are pictures online from the event outside of facebook? wanted to send some to my dad yesterday and he was "faced" with the "face"book wall :)

Hi Benjamin  - just changed the link - should be fine now.  Not sure about other pictures...I will find out.  x
Now with pictures...x

Yes, we dropped the dropbox and climbed over the soundcloud now!! :D

How miraculous this new technology! :)

Benjamin, have a look here, too for the pre~/ post~ look on the site:,000-Tables-Come...

Much Love,



I'm touched and very inspired, and I learned so much from this amazing story. Thank you from sharing, Danny, thank you from holding the space, Maria. With you from Finland - Tanja

Danny will be one of the conversation starters for the Global Virtual World Cafe


If you can afford to help someone else be on this call, and keep these calls accessible to everyone who should be there, please contribute $20 or more, or whatever you can, via:THE LINK & click DONATE


WE HAVE MANY PEOPLE SIGNING UP ALREADY WHO NEED SUPPORT TO PARTICIPATE.  We have created a low cost SKYPE-to-SKYPE facility, to keep costs as low as possible...Offer what you...&... Thank you!

And just because we like clouds... here's another one! A word~cloud capturing a few essences of this story...

So it's "The 1000 Tables Little Tale" in Wordle form:





Imke Mustard, from the Hub in Amsterdam, wrote a beautiful blogpost about this event, based on the interview that was done with Danny Gal.

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