Ria Baeck


Kortenaken - Vlaanderen


Profile Information:

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I did my first Art of Hosting training in The Netherlands in 2005, and called and organised the first one in Belgium in 2006; followed by a next one in 2008. There was an immediate feeling, that this was what I had to do and connect with.
Since 2009 we are building a Community of Practice in Vlaanderen/Flanders, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. We did an AoH Training, but are now experimenting with Open Learning Days around a specific theme (Participation, Transition), which are quite succesful.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
The art of hosting conversations runs through my whole life; and is everywhere present in the work that I do - which has many faces. I'm one of the Stewards of this AoH network, and I'm fascinated by what is the energetic of what we do - what are we doing when we are holding space? This evolved into a circle of stewards which are holding the energetic core of the network; still very new and fresh in this network.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
I have three fields of passion: supporting the AoH work in Belgium/Flanders; hosting the whole of the network and its knowledge; and connecting research and building research capacity within the network.
Where do you live/work?
I live in Belgium and work wherever I am called.
Would you like to share a web address?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I'm interested and fascinated by everything that is 'on the edge', but always in an embodied way. This has initiated Women Moving the Edge, out of which slowly is a book emerging...

Comment Wall:

  • madeline snow

    Thank you, Ria, for your welcome. Special thanks for your constellation work at the Art of Humans Being last week. It was very powerful. All the best, Madeline
  • Linda Joy Mitchell

    Hi Ria, nice to meet you here - looking forward to meeting you in person once again who knows where XX Linda
  • Wiebke Herding

    Hi Ria - I uploaded it to Ning (media > video), but couldn't find a way to add it to the group (apart from mentioning it in a comment). All the best, Wiebke
  • Alexis Eremia

    Hello Ria,

    thank you for your warm welcome. I have no contact to Ursula, Bregenz is about 6 hours away from Vienna. I heard though about her retreat project. Thank you for bringing this to me again.

    Best regards from Vienna,


  • Rosemary Cairns

    Hi Ria. Yes, the article was published in the IAF Europe Newsletter and attracted a lot of interest.  As we try to reflect the diversity of the facilitative community in Europe, we are delighted when people are willing to share their ideas, knowledge and exploration. Back issues are at http://www.iaf-europe.eu/resources.html

    Kind regards from Canada,


  • Albéric Augeard

    Hi Ria,


    Thanks for your welcome. i actually did a Graphic Recording in Paris with Chris Chopyak (both in French & English). Need to practice more though....

  • Albéric Augeard

    Hi Ria,


    No, I didn't follow any AoH training and would like to. Brussels would be an ideal location, but availability might prove an issue. Do you have some dates already? Thanks!


  • Jasmina Lukacevic

    Dear Ria, thank you so much for your welcome - it's great to connect here! I like this web space and I am very grateful for wonderful work you have done! I hope I will find my way to contribute.. I'm very excited about AOH in Budapest and look forward to cohost it for the first time in Hungary!

    Take care!! Greetings from Croatia!

  • Albéric Augeard

    Hello Ria,


    Thanks for the information. i did attend Michael's training last year wih Diane; fantatsic!


    I have a quick question to you: would you know of any place in Belgium where I could get a haverst map (from graphic recording) digitalised? They come usually in pretty large format (about 1.5 m x 3 or 4 m), so it's not to usual copy centre that can handle that.



  • Didier Engels

    Hello Ria,

    Thanks for your warm welcome.

    Was great meeting you in Brussels last Friday at the lunch with EC4CI's team.

    Looking forward,


  • Frauke Godat

    Thanks for the hint, Ria, I have created the Art of Facilitation event here: http://artofhosting.ning.com/events/art-of-facilitation-berlin
  • Jan Hein Nielsen

    Hi Ria,

    Thank you for the welcome. What a great work you all have done - it is actually like coming home...!


    Unfortunately I will not be joining the gathering next weekend as I did not manage to reschedule all appointments and make a flight fit. So that will be another time...


    Take care,


  • Paul Hemminger

    Thanks Ria,

    I appreciate the welcome.  I'll find my way around.  I hope to connect to you soon after I speak with the woman who went to one your workshops.  I've been hearing great things.





  • Hala Makarem

    Thank you for the welcome, Ria :) - I connected here following your spark with Mike Hohnen's call for action in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere ... lets see what will evolve ... looking forward to meeting you in person soon .. with love, hala
  • Dominique Weemaes

    Dank je Ria! 


    Eerst en vooral veel een ervaring opdoen in Karlskrona. Eens ervaren en voelen wat dit voor mij betekend. Op deze basis vertrouw ik erop dat er weer een volgende stap komt. 





  • Jennifer Lea Burrows

    Hi Ria

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my post. I will take your advice and repost it.

    Warm wishes, Jennifer

  • Ana Milin

    Dear Ria,

    thank you for the warm welcome, and thank you for hosting this precious online space, for all of us who just jump in when we need it or feel like it. It is really something!

    Yes, I enjoyed Borl, and I enjoyed co-creating the Croatian AOH community of practice, together with Toke, Jan, Miljenka and Jasmina, that has been developing more intensely since the AOH training in February 2010.

    I am sure I will learn here, I hope I will contribute, too.

    Warm regards, Ana

  • Antje Berheide

    Hi Ria, thank you for your welcome comment and for the hint about the power of places. I am already a member of the initiative portal.
  • Piret Jeedas

    Thank you Ria, will dig deeper...Best, Piret
  • Tracy Meisterheim

    Ria, Thanks for adding clarity to my research posting. I hope you have a chance to respond to our survey, as you clearly have the experience we're hoping to learn from. Warmly, Tracy
  • Margaret Sanders

    Thank you for the welcome, Ria! I am glad to be here.
  • elizabeth olson

    Thanks for accepting me Ria!  I wish I could attend the OH meeting next month but I have other commitments.   I look forward to opportunities to work and play together.
  • Jeffer London

    Hello Ria, glad to connect with fellow facilitators in Belgium.

    I came into contact with AoH doing events with Deloitte back in 1998, and then experimented with it for many years in Thinking Out Loud (a forum I lead for facilitators, trainers and creative people). I now use it for team events and connected with organisational development, change and brainstorming.


    Best, Jeffer

  • Martin Buechele

    Hi Ria,

    Thanks, I hear the invitation to share my learnings during this year - and this invitation has come from many friends and mates recently, not least at a dinner conversation with Ann, Christina and Helen two weeks ago. It is one of my learning edges. I haven't been a writer at all until now in my life, so once I am out of this busy transition phase and "en route" I will sense into this topic and see what wants to emerge ...

    Love from Vienna,



  • Simon Cooke

    Hey Ria,  Many thanks!  There's definitely seems to be a growing interest for AoH in the region. I think the concepts are a breath of fresh air. So many people seemed to be dissatisfied with the current command and control approach used by stakeholders and policy makers here.  At the moment I am looking for others who are interested in hosting / attending / participating in a "world-cafe" event in Sarajevo on sustainable community initiatives.  I'm also doing some prepatory work for an event in Lebanon as well.  It's going to be a bumpy ride... ;-)




  • Griet Hellinckx

    Thank you for the feedback. It makes perfect sense, but somehow the layout of the text gets messed up when I put it into the frame and I don't get it into a proper shape (neither when copying my word-file nor when copying from the pdf). Giving up for today...

  • Agota Eva Ruzsa

     OK...my skype is agotahungary...

  • Marc-Antoine Sammarcelli

    Hello Ria,

    I Have troubles with my blog and I'll tell you when it works again.


  • Marc-Antoine Sammarcelli

    Hello Ria,

    I had to clean my blog.

    That's why I deleted an article talking about Pro Action Café.

    But if you want, I can send it to you.

    I Still have this article on my blog : http://blog.beesent.com/2011/06/seminaire-art-of-hosting-presentati....


  • Amanda Fenton

    Hi Ria! Have a look at the attached - let me know if that captured your ideas? And please do post it wherever it would be helpful.

    AoH Ning Helper



  • Amanda Fenton

    Looks great! Here is the PDF... please feel free to email it out to the listserv (I would love to let Chris tell the broader community about the CoP; it has been close to his heart for much longer than me).




  • Sophie Lijnen

    Hallo Ria, Dank je wel voor de groepslinken. En ja, ik probeer me inderdaad uit te drukken in het NL ;-)



  • Anne Guillaume

    Thank you. Good to hear from you - hoping you're doing well !

    Have a nice summer. 
