I replied, “Yes, I (we) know he is of the Right. He simply offers a (strong) perspective. I am not aiming to ‘profile’ him as such, neither do I get overexcited or concerned about his ‘radical’ nature. Yet he is a voice that somehow speaks in opposition to and counter-balances some of the opinion of ‘others’, who are causing Greece and its people much pain…”
It’s interesting they are against Europe (the word derived from the Greek word Eurōpē (Ευρώπη) often voiced as “the one that sees”…perhaps Nigel’s perspective might transform the emptiness of the current term and practice.
Perhaps also it would be helpful if I qualify my addition of this video to the Ning. I hear your caution and welcome it...”
What I value – and why I chose to post the video - is that, for me, Nigel was speaking his truth - and in the current climate offers a fundamentally different perspective to others. Whether I believe his viewpoint or not, I honour it. I know his ‘radical’ perspective will wave a red flag to many – and perhaps even his perspective is fundamentally wrong - but for me, his (and others) voice of ‘truth’ holds the possibility of catalyzing the discovery of what I/we DO believe – even if counter to his/there’s.
There is immense power when we ‘speak our truth’ – not the truth, but our truth. It represents our belief, our sense of something – our opinion – our passion. The challenge is not to get stuck in ‘our truth’, become ‘opinionated’ or become unable to hear other ‘truths’, especially those in polar opposition to our own. Can we sit in the space of many truths? Can we find the balance point between them? And, what happens if 'a truth' IS fundamentally ‘wrong’ – ethically, morally, societally? What happens then?
I remember going to Israel for the first time in March 2005 and in the final circle check-out with 25 or so people – people’s of the conflict, plus many Internationals – I heard an entire kaleidoscope of ‘truths’ - multi-levelled, contradictory truths. It was the first time I recognised the power and presence of many truths co-existing. All voices held a truth. The first point of balance was being willing to hear them all – in this case, possible because of the safety and trust we had cultivated in a two-day hosted process. These qualities, plus the willingness to share and be vulnerable, enabled the space to stay open, in what, culturally and traditionally would normally have collapsed, if indeed started at all. The second was to allow the many truths to catalyze and coalesce into new collective intelligence - the unwavering unity of humanity and the desire for peace.
Only just last week – one of the participants from this very time, 6 years ago - was one of the core hosts of the 1000 table world café in Israel – another living testimony that the space of many truths remains alive - and the call to co-create newness is widely being sought by many.
Holding space for the many truths to co-exist is perhaps the prerequisite for the generation of new collective intelligence, in fact, a core condition. Without it, we generate more of the same, or at worst, nothing at all. Our truths and opinions remain diverged and polarised and we retreat into our opinion ‘camps’, shooting perspectives from arms length – with the possibility of cultivating new collective intelligence diminishing to nothing.
This interaction over the innocuous act offering out this video, and then receiving a dear friend’s cautionary advice has been a deeply significant experience for me. I have seen more as a result of my own practice of speaking my truth - of which this, and indeed all my writing is an act of. With this I have also become conscious of my deeper motivation to act in the first place. And I know that to be true of my friend too.
I still believe we need to hear these ‘radical’ perspectives – especially now. And, we need the processes in which we can individually and collectively hold the tension between these ‘truths’ – in the pursuit of opening the space for interaction, that will transform and illuminate the balance point between them - so that new collective intelligence can be generated. This is, in part, also the reason why I was called to write this blog – since the polarities reside in me too…and I wish to seek the wholeness of my own knowing – acknowledging always that the truths may remain distinct and unintegrated. Yet, this time, I seem to be have been able to hold the paradox of both - and generated newness and consciousness.
Crucially, the act of uncovering motivations and deeply held assumptions underpinning these radical perspectives needs to be tended with inordinate sensitivity, as this is perhaps where the tru(th) power resides – often unknown, more often too distant for us to travel to – yet if questioned generatively is a journey of discovering our own ‘radical’ roots.
And…as I said, some things are just wrong. How do we hold space for these too?
Hi Sarah,
I honor your holding space for the many truths. It means indeed hosting a place where one can stay with his/her own truth, until it is safe enough to leave it in the middle where it will be integrated -or not- in an emergent -relative- truth. That can result in some new experiences and insights and ways of looking which can clarify or change his/her truth and lead to 'better' actions.
The question of "good, better or just wrong" is a value-question. In every circumstance this is different. (cfr Spiral Dynamics). As a 'host of truths', we can't deny our own values and "do's and dont's", but we can live our truth that "hosting dialogue" is, to a certain extend, a better -effective!- way to get 'the best possible' realised.
And.. it is not the only way.
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