The Art of Hosting

Kathy Jourdain's Blog (16)

Embracing the Stranger in Me: A Journey to Openheartedness - Book Announcement

I have been holding off on posting news about my book absolutely everywhere until the website was ready – which it is now, complete with a blog – a couple of posts are already up – and a link to the Balboa publishing site that has a few reader reviews on it, in case you want a peek into other people's experience in reading it – which has been…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on October 17, 2013 at 4:45pm — No Comments

Ingredients for Hosting Team Success - An Inquiry

How is it we can take a group of people who may or may not know each other, throw them into a prep or planning day together and have them emerge out the other side as a team, ready to co-create and co-host a three or four day Art of Hosting training, to greater or lesser degrees as a cohesive, fluid team?

In the last few years, I have had powerful experiences of this happening in Atlantic Canada,…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on October 8, 2012 at 9:47pm — 2 Comments

Art of Hosting: Universal or Not?

When people ask me if I do “this” for a living, the answer is, of course, yes. But they don’t really know what they are asking.  They are asking about what they are witnessing or experiencing in this given moment – a specific Art of Hosting training, a planning process, a team building session, a leadership development training, a community engagement process, a …


Added by Kathy Jourdain on October 7, 2012 at 6:08pm — No Comments

Deep Sensing Interviews

Deep sensing interviews are a powerful tool.  In the times I’ve used them I’ve seen them help deepen relationships, deepen a field of inquiry, shift the shape of  a team, organization or system.

Deep sensing interviews are one of the tools highlighted in the Sensing…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on August 12, 2012 at 2:10pm — No Comments

Navigating the Groan Zone is an Art

For a such a simple little concept, the divergence-emergence-convergence model we use in the Art of Hosting sure packs a punch.  It is a simple teach that can be done in 10 minutes – or longer – if time, space and the opportunity to engage others in the conversation allows.  It sheds light on design process, the groan zone and people’s experience.  Navigating the groan zone is an art form that often arises…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on August 12, 2012 at 2:08pm — No Comments

Hosting lessons from the field - four fold practice and presencing

It is the last morning of our 3 day Art of Hosting training in St. Paul Minnesota in mid April 2012.  We have 40 participants plus our 6 person hosting team which includes 3 apprentices. The hosting team is starting our day by checking in. Day 2 was a good example of a groan zone kind…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on August 12, 2012 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Art of Hosting: What We Do in Three Days

Every place we go has its own tone, texture and timing.  It is part of what makes Art of Hosting - or in the case of California in August 2012, the Art of Participatory Leadership and Social Innovation - so hard to define. "We" being whatever configuration of hosting and calling team has…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on August 12, 2012 at 1:57pm — No Comments

There's a Reason Why It's Called the Art of....

What is art without technique and is technique alone really art?  "Art" could mean art as it evokes the image of artwork but, really, it is much broader than that -  dance, fitness, sport, yoga, meditation, music, hosting, the work we are in.

I've been in a beautiful reflection after a delicious conversation recently with good friend and hosting colleague Jerry Nagel. We were discussing upcoming work in…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on August 12, 2012 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Slowing Down to Go Fast

Our world moves so fast we all want it done now, or yesterday – whatever “it” is. The paradox is, we don’t have time to go fast anymore. But it’s not just about slowing down. It’s slowing down, adding in intentionality, purposefulness and patterns of movement – often non-linear and iterative – to take us to places we’ve never been before but that we’ve dreamed and know have to be possible. We want to get to this new place but we keep repeating the patterns that have never gotten us there…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on August 12, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Shaping Questions for Powerful Check-in and Check-out Processes

Check-in and check-out processes are not just frivolous time wasters in our meetings.  If they feel that way, something is probably  missing.

Wicked questions help shape powerful processes. The shaping of questions in a thoughtful, purposeful and intentional manner increases the likelihood of them being powerful. This is the second post on powerful questions, the first one contained  general thoughts about…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on November 16, 2011 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Shaping Powerful Questions

One of the most asked questions at, and after, any Art of Hosting training is about the questions.  Developing powerful questions is a crucial element to creating the conversational space we are seeking.  People are…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on November 16, 2011 at 12:16pm — No Comments

The Art of Stewarding

Anyone who has ever wanted to call an Art of Hosting training has, in all likelihood, been told how important it is to have seasoned hosts – or stewards – as part of the hosting team. What does it mean to steward and why is this role so important in the Art of Hosting community and in individual training offerings?

I wanted to…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on September 2, 2011 at 8:01am — 3 Comments

Community of Practice - What's It All About?

One of the biggest questions arising out of Art of Hosting trainings and related work I've been part of these days is, what's next?  How do we actually practice and…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on September 2, 2011 at 7:52am — No Comments

Turning to Each Other in Times of Chaos

My news does not, for the most part, come from mainstream media.  Long ago I stopped reading the papers and watching TV news.  Far too depressing and non-constructive.  My news comes from other sources like the Art of Hosting listserve that I am part of (and you could be too, if you aren’t already) as well as other social media like Facebook and Twitter.  I am grateful to…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on September 2, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments

Becoming an AoH Practitioner

One of the things that stands out from my Envision Halifax days when a team of us co-designed and co-delivered a nine month leadership program, meeting with the group once a month for either a retreat or a learning day, is how often people talked about getting their Envision “fix” – essentially being able to step out of the craziness of their workplaces into a deep breath of a different kind of space, where…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on April 25, 2011 at 6:55am — No Comments

One AoH Training Does Not a Practitioner Make

One AoH Training Does Not a Practitioner Make

From the last few…


Added by Kathy Jourdain on April 25, 2011 at 6:51am — 1 Comment

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