The Art of Hosting

Uschi Steedman
  • BC
  • Canada
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  • Conrad Juraschka
  • Mary Alice Arthur

Uschi Steedman's Page

Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
Australia October 2013... an internet search about Theory U led me to the Art of Hosting training in BC, Canada.

Why was I drawn to AoH? It seems to me that many of the challenges that human society faces are a reflection of the internal struggles we all grapple with. Things like, overcoming fear and preconceptions, stepping into our power to shape the world around us... I have been in search of modes of conversation and engagement that enable us to respectfully explore these shared experiences in a way that fosters compassion, connection, a sense of hope - and ultimately the desire and willingness to collaboratively create the future we want.

Art of Hosting just seemed to tick all the right boxes.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
I'm a newcomer to Art of Hosting but have worked as a facilitator and community development practitioner in Australia for some years now.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
Conversations about our place and role on this beautiful planet Earth, encompassing community resilience and the transition to a more sustainable future.
Where do you live/work?
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I have a strong interest in political theory, international relations and philosophy (this is my formal background). I believe wholeheartedly in the power of ideas and ideology to shape the world and have a passion for conversations that enables us to explore the impact of existing beliefs on our current way of life - while also journeying into new realms of thought and possibility by gently letting go of old (often unnamed) preconceptions.

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At 7:32am on November 4, 2013, Nancy Bragard said…

Hello, Uschi, and welcome to the Art of Hosting community! Glad to see you here. Post a photo when you can so we can really "see" you here. Then join in with all the conversations. You'll find plenty of resources here, too, to help you deepen your practice. And the more you add to your profile, the more the community can learn from you and share with you. We hope you will find value in exchanging in this virtual community!


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