The Art of Hosting

Happy Spring Art of Hosting and Participatory Leadership practice friends and colleagues!

I have had many requests to offer an accessible, web based follow up to the limiting beliefs work from the Art of Hosting trainings. This is a powerful practice, and having some deeper learning and supported community of practice can help you really use and apply it to your own work, leadership and life.

So here is an invitation to the second offering of this learning and practice group. Join us if you would like to learn more and deepen your own practice with exercises and guidance from Caitlin Frost and a circle of colleagues to practice with.

Being Present, Being Peace
- Deepening Practice in The Work of Byron Katie

6 week Web (or phone) Based Class/Practice Group -
  • Tuesdays - 12pm to 1:30pm Pacific Time
  • May 7 to June 11, 2013

Taught by:  Caitlin Frost,
    Certified Facilitator and trainer in The Work and Art of Hosting Steward.
Web hosted by Tom Brackett

Deepen your practice of self-hosting, working with your limiting beliefs, fear and stressful thinking.  Learn more about how to use the questions of Work to open more space in your own mind and heart.

The Work is a powerful practice that can be applied to any areas of work and life where you are stuck in stressful or unhelpful patterns, conflict, confusion or suffering.  It is a practical and effective way to access more clarity, peace, sense of possibility, creativity and freedom.  It is also a deep practice for self awareness and learning..

This six week web based program is specifically designed to support further applications, learning and deepening practice for participants who have participated in an Art of Hosting including some practice in the Work.

Over the six weeks we will work with some of:
  • fears that hold you back and cause stress;
  • judgements that create disconnection and conflict in professional and personal relationships;
  • identifying and working with underlying beliefs that are often unseen;
  • clarity in communication / saying honest yes or no
  • need for approval from others and how that can hold us back
  • stressful beliefs we hold about our work that keep us in old patterns
  • fear of failure
  • whatever else comes up in our time together

Through this program Caitlin will offer teaching each week about the Work with a focus on a particular area of application (see above).  We will dive into exercises together, and engage with questions and support to assist you in your own practice.  Participants will have the chance to engage in inquiry practice on the web calls, and will also be paired with a partner for weekly one hour practice together, applying the exercise of the week.  We will have an online classroom forum for posting materials, notes, questions and discussion.

Basic Program includes:
  • Six 90 minute participatory web-based classes (led by Caitlin)
  • Weekly exercises to do with a partner (60 minute call per week with partner)
  • Other optional written exercises to support your practice
  • All materials
  • Forum page for sharing and posting questions
  • Support with questions and feedback from Caitlin

Time and Dates:
Tuesdays 12pm - 1:30pm Pacific Time
May 7th - June 11th, 2013

  • $240* ($220* Early Bird - if registered and paid by April 15th)

*if cost is a barrier to your participation please contact me and we can talk about what is possible
*plus 12% hst

$20 discount if you register by April 15th.


Class size is limited.  If needed a second group may be added.
Repeaters welcome.  This is a life practice and there is always new learning.

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