You are invited to be part of a gathering to plumb the depths of what we have experienced in our lives and work around profound shift and to harvest the insights we find together. We will share stories, insights and practice in a collective inquiry into the simplicity of what happens next.
WILL YOU JOIN US? Please save the date and register your interest above.
26 August - 2 September 2012
The International Learning Village will take place 26 August – 2 September. We will offer Flow Games on the afternoon of Sunday the 26th to begin building our community and will open more formally with dinner in that evening. We will have the final parts of our programme on Saturday evening, 1st September, closing with lunch and a community clean up on Sunday 2nd.
Statenberg Manor, Slovenia
Operating system
The Hosting Team will open the gathering and steward the design space during the gathering. We will be living and working in Circle and Open Space and invite participants to step forward to host, harvest & make celebration. Ask for what you need, offer what you can as we create the experience together!
Everyone is invited to create our time together. Please bring…
Your curiosity about what’s happening in the world and what we might be together
Your insights into the deeper patterns beneath what’s going on in the world and in your practice. What connections are forming? What landscapes are arising? What’s the river beneath the river if you really stopped to look?
Object, pieces of art, stories, songs, books or anything else that will support expression and celebration
Your stories of practice and any inputs into learning, community and possibility
Art supplies, musical instruments, costumes, props or anything else you think could help expression creativity or celebration
Your questions, insights & deep reflections (and your sense of humor!)
Your willingness to care for yourself, for each other and for the place we are gathering
An openness to step forward and offer your unique contribution to co-create this gathering
This invitation comes from the Art of Hosting Community, but we’d like your help to spread this invitation to go much further because everyone’s invited! We’d like to see our mates from other communities there too — all the tribes: World Café, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, Circle work, Theory U & presencing, Holocracy, Deep Democracy, Dynamic Facilitation, Spiral Dynamics and all other forms, those who carry story, music, dance, the arts, anyone who is thoughtful and engaged at this time. It’s time to come to the Learning Village together and see what happens.
We hope to see you there!
The Hosting Team:
Caller: Mary Alice Arthur, Art of Hosting Steward & Story Activist, sometimes based in New Zealand & mostly intentional nomad
Ria Baeck, Art of Hosting Steward, based in Belgium
James Ede, Practitioner, based in Europe
David Stevenson, Art of Hosting Steward, based in British Columbia, Canada
Bob Wing, Art of Hosting Steward, based in Colorado, USA
The Eagle Team:
Toke Paludan Møller, Art of Hosting co-finder, based in Denmark
Monica Níssen, Art of Hosting co-finder, based in Denmark
Juanita Brown, co-finder of World Café, based in North Carolina, USA
Phil Cass, Art of Hosting steward, based in Ohio, USA
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