The Art of Hosting

I'm wondering if anyone in the community happens to have on hand a short outline they've used for presenting in a short time (10 minutes?) on AI and Powerful questions...

Context:  I am shepherding a small core host team through the basics of AoH so we can introduce AoH to the larger organization.  We have about enough time, this time through, to dip toes into each subject.  So far the group has been experiencing the outcomes of appreciative and powerful questioning, and now we are drawing closer to the time when we need to start designing the event that will introduce AoH to the larger group, so it's time to start making some of their learning explicit.
The short 'teach' will be supported with handouts (Vogt et al's Art of Powerful Questions).  
I only ask because this month's meeting of the core host team will require a larger than usual amount of prep from me, and if I can copy off someone else's homework, that'll give me a boost.  
Thanks either way, and love to all.
Amy K. Watson
Have a look under the following link.
Best   +   Chris
Dear Amy,
Here's a link to a Prezi we created on powerful questions:

In case you're wondering about the context as you look at this, the presentation was created for a feedback session on the Our Minnesota: Building a State of Trust - Cascading Conversations ..., which uses AI questions as a means for connecting young people across the state to build trust, relationships, and a shared vision for the future of Minnesota.


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is it possible you send me just the text of the presentention of prezi? I want to translate it for portuguese, and try to debate, i realy like the material :).





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