The Art of Hosting

from the emaillist, Oct.'12:

Dear all,
since years a silent and grateful reader, I want to contribute a little piece.

Yesterday I made an surprising experience with a check-in question. I was invited to introduce Theory U for 29 Coaches, Psychologists and HR People.

Questions like "What inspired you to join us today?" I felt this did not fit in the best manner to this circle. In this moment appears the idea to ask a question which moves me. I told this to them and asked: what they do, to get in openness to a situation?

The result was amazing. I harvested 29 voices and ideas. Everyone gave me a gift - before I started with my contribution. It was touching and that sets the tone. And it helps me to give my best. The result was a wonderful evening, created together.

Dear Rolf,

I appreciate very much your sharing, the openness question - opens the heart without the mental taking the first place - and involves the practitioner beyond the speaker-audience relationship that could happen with the question_ what inspires you?

I sometimes ask, at the beginning, the participants for one word that expresses were they are at that moment in regards to the purpose of the meeting, it could vary from an "emotion" to a vision to a practical issue. These words are conveyed randomly on an opening page thanks again for your very powerful experience
I love this sharing and would be interested in thoughtful check in questions - would others mind sharing?

Sometimes I ask - (depending on whether a group is new or if I've been working with them a long time) -
What's become apparent since we last  met?
what question is being asked of you (or through you) right now?
what is it time to let go of and what is it time to embrace?
how are you, REALLY?
what's dying to happen if you/we just let it?
what's wanting to be heard or seen?
what words would you use to describe where your head is?  and where your heart is?
Be well,

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