The Art of Hosting

Dear all,
I wanted to share this new resource put together by Patrick Ozwalski (Outrageous Impact) and myself 'workshopped' and wrote last year (download free here)
This was the output from our event after the Brexit vote when we brought together Leave and Remain voters to discuss:
'How Might We build peace and a shared prosperity in the wake of the decision to leave the EU?'
As political triggers for conversations that matter are rising up across our world, I thought it worth sharing our process so you can start these conversations too!
Let me know what you think?
THANK YOU and may this be useful 


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Hello Petronella, thanks for your contribution here!
But I have to tell you that it would reach more people when you would post this (also) on the AoH Facebook group and/or in the emaillist.
With love,

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