The Art of Hosting

Workshop invitation: Inspiring Change - Best Practices for Green Education (All costs covered!)

Creating Holistic Learning Experiences and Teaching Sustainable Lifestyle

A holistic training experience for all staff in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the living and learning place 'Ecovillage of Sieben Linden'

10/06/2012 - 17/06/2012

We are excited to offer a EU wide workshop opportunity for professionals in the field of sustainability where real life examples, hands on training, action learning and networking with likeminded people are woven into in a participatory and holistic course design.

Drawing best practices from methods such as open space, world café, peer learning, learning journeys and co-creation, you will be equipped with the skills and confidence, to raise ecological awareness and inspire behavioural changes in your students.

Growing your own capacity to connect and train other individuals will not only contribute to your professional but also your personal development. Including head (theory), hand (practice) and heart (vision, team and group building), we will also provide enough free space for personal and group reflection while covering topics such as
- integral ecology
- sustainable technologies
- ecological footprint
- participatory teaching
- and many more...

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Stengel, Julia Strehler, Beate Walsdorf and others

Venue: Ecovillage Sieben Linden

Date: 10th – 17th June 2012

Course fee: 580,- €
Food, house, organisation: 364,-€

For this vocational training you can get a complete funding with a Grundtvig InService grant of the EU, covering all cost (including travels)! Check out

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