The Art of Hosting

the art of hosting the transition to a post-capitalist, commons-based society

A post-capitalist world is not only possible but millions engaged in the various organizational and social transformation movements around the world are actively working on the transition to it. One of the most potent emerging visions of that new world is a commons-based society.

It's a vision that tremendously inspires me and I joined with friends to work for. That's why you saw me less active, in the last two years, in the AoH community. During all that time, I didn't loose my connection with AoH as a cherished approach to developing authenticity, courage, and shared meaning, in various settings.  I've been also waiting for and supporting the maturation of the social movements t o the point where they can take full advantage of such social technologies of collective intelligence and freedom as presencing, communities of practice, art of hosting, world cafe, and appreciative inquiry.

That time has now come. This blogpost will be part of my attempt to nourish a closer relationship between the social movements and technologies of liberation. (I mean liberation from all obsolete systems and structures that cripple our highest potential and causing unmeasurable human suffering, environmental degradation and wasting our collective resources.)

One of the projects I co-initiated is the School of Commoning, a London-based commons education group.

The title of our next workfop is #SpanishRevolution, and the Commons Here and Now. It will be dedicated to experiencing commoning and understanding the current Democracy Real mobilizations in Southern Europe as seeds for the transition to a commons-based society. It will be held at SOAS University on June 24. For more information about it and to register, please visit the event's Facebook page:

It will be a fun-filled collaborative learning event, and a good opportunity to start discovering what it may take to host the transition to a commons-based society.

If you are not in London but have friends here and this message inspires you, please pass the event's URL to them.

Looking forward to read your comments and questions about anything that this update evokes in you,


p.s. on a more personal note:
I'm in hospital recovering from an open heart surgery's complications. I don't have access to my digital photo. When I will, I will post it.

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