The Art of Hosting

Joost den Boon
  • Utrecht
  • Netherlands
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Joost den Boon's Friends

  • Vihra Dincheva
  • Mischa Altmann
  • Naomi Raja Boean
  • Marien Baerveldt
  • Jan Hein Nielsen

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Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I heard from the Art of Hosting during the startup of building a own university, based on taking personal leadership into action, taking ownership over your own learning process in a community based environment ( This was in 2010, right then I got to know that there was a Art of Hosting training in Karlskrona, hosted by i.a Toke, Monica, Jan, David. This seemed to be the last corner stone of what the framework needed. I attended there together with my fiend, co-entrepreneur and co-'student' Marien Bearveldt. '' became and is now a self learning and organising community based on the Art of Hosting, with more than 500 'students'/'practitioners'
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
During the last 3 years the Art of Hosting is fully integrated in my personal and working life. In my role as consultant, trainer, coach and student for life, I practise the very strong process techniques almost every day as a host, facilitator, 'harvester' or participant. I still learn a lot from the richness of having a lot of different people that make every process a new practice, but I can say that I'm a experienced practitioner.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
I call myself someone who is entrepeneuring and developing social innovative processes. With our company we host and create space for change. I do project guiding, Hosting conversations that matter, Creating space, Creating participative and co-creative processes, training and coaching in personal entrepreneurship, community building. Besides that I'm involved in several other initiatives on healthcare and education:, and
Where do you live/work?
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Would you like to share a web address?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I have a passion for people, to be specific; what people can do and make together if you bring them together on a 'call'. I'd love to engage this knowledge and energy into a process with a concrete outcome!

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At 12:39am on February 21, 2013, Mary Alice Arthur said…

Nice to see you here, Joost!

At 1:54pm on February 20, 2013, Ursula Hillbrand said…

Dear Joost, a warm welcome to the Art of Hosting community in which you are already quite integrated, I see! And thanks for introducing your background and experiences! Join in with the the conversations, and be sure to find lots or resources here. Tot gauw, hier on-line of in de buurt..


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