The Art of Hosting

Ryan Gannon
  • Halifax
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Ryan Gannon's Friends

  • Kathy Jourdain
  • Andreas-Terri  ter Woort
  • Tim Merry

Ryan Gannon's Page

Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I learned about Art of Hosting when I helped plan an Ary Of Hosting event with Tim Merry in June of 2011.

What attracted me to Art of Hosting was the idea of coming together to share new and old ideas with a group of peers and pulling core values out of these ideas that we all live by.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
My experience with Art of Hosting as part of my life and work is using ideas and strategies for problem solving methods that I learned in my session and applying them to my everyday life.

I would say my competence in Art of Hosting is starting practitioner because I am new to this kind of work but I have done a workshop or two.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
I do not feel I have a primary focus in Art of Hosting I feel that I could be useful with every aspect of Art of Hosting if prepped properly.
Where do you live/work?
Leave Out Violence Halifax
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I have a passion for youth work and video production.

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At 6:13am on September 20, 2011, Mary Alice Arthur said…
Welcome, Ryan, great to see you here (that is, we WILL see you when you upload a photo - got a good one?).  The more you add to your profile, the more the community can see how to connect with you.  There are plenty of resources to have a look at and conversations to become part of -- I hope this community will be a great one for you and you a great contribution to it!  Looking forward to seeing Halifax again myself at the end of this month!

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