How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
A través de Pablo Villoch, un amigo tejedor de redes y mundos
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
Soy un profesional con 17 años de experiencias en procesos de planificación participativa, enamorado de tendencias abiertas de planeaciòn, co-creaciòn y facilitación de procesos. Posee competencias en el area de diseño, organización y sistematización de procesos, asicom el acercamiento a proyectos como tejido para la construcción de redes sociales.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
Innovacion Social, mejorespracticas, negocios inclusivos, competencia de desarrollo , cooperaciòn internacional, metodologias aplicadas a la transformación social.
Comment Wall (1 comment)
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Unfortunately i don't understad what you're writing ;) but Pablo is a great connection!
Feel free to add a profile picture - makes it more human to connect to you and i can add you to our collage.
I hope this space will be meaningful for you and also inspire your contribution - please don't hesitate to ask Mary Alice or me if you have questions about this site since we are hosting the online space these days. Welcome again!
Comment Wall (1 comment)
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Hi Mauricio, welcome to our Online Community!
Unfortunately i don't understad what you're writing ;) but Pablo is a great connection!
Feel free to add a profile picture - makes it more human to connect to you and i can add you to our collage.
I hope this space will be meaningful for you and also inspire your contribution - please don't hesitate to ask Mary Alice or me if you have questions about this site since we are hosting the online space these days. Welcome again!