How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I attended the ALIA summer institute in Columbus, Ohio in 2011. I still have much more to learn, but I'm intrigued and impassioned.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
Very new.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
I am passionate about nurturing an inclusive, inter-generational, compassionate local community. My husband and I have recently founded Lineage, LLC with this purpose in mind. We seek to promote living in the present moment with compassionate awareness to the central Ohio community via community workshops and events with a focus on mindfulness. Our online store, Lineage, provides retail merchandise and consignment services for local artists and merchants with products and services that enhance and support our vision. I am interested to see how The Art of Hosting might enrich and deepen our purpose.
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Welcome, Marjorie, great to see you here (that is, we WILL see you when you upload a photo - got a good one?) -- and thanks for joining us after ALIA. The more you add to your profile, the more the community can see how to connect with you. There are plenty of resources to have a look at and conversations to become part of -- I hope this community will be a great one for you and you a great contribution to it!
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