How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
Por un mail que me envió una amiga en febrero, invitándome a participar del AoH que se iba a realizar en Bs. As.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
Desde siempre me vinculé a proyectos de carácter asociativo, participando activamente de procesos participativos (primero como voluntaria en ONGs, luego ya formalemtne vinculada a diversos proyectos productivos). La práctica del AoH sin duda suma, contribuyendo a otras prácticas que veníamos desarrollando de manera "intuitiva", algunas teorías, experiencia profesional, etc.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
Proyectos productivos asociativos (cooperativas)
Articulación de redes sociales - empresariales.
Welcome to the Art of Hosting Ning community, Lucia, glad to see you here! Please add a picture, when you can, so we can really see you here, and the more you add to your profile, the more the community can help you & connect to you. There are plenty of resources here, please add your own and join the conversation!
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Welcome to the Art of Hosting Ning community, Lucia, glad to see you here! Please add a picture, when you can, so we can really see you here, and the more you add to your profile, the more the community can help you & connect to you. There are plenty of resources here, please add your own and join the conversation!