The Art of Hosting

Leslie Allen
  • Calgary, Alberta
  • Canada
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Leslie Allen's Page

Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
I heard about it though the Circle Practicum course offered by Ann Linnea and ChritinanBaldwin.
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
I took the Art of Hosting here in Calgary in Januarly 2011. Since then I am a co-coordinator of the Calgary Art of Hosting Community of Practice. I integrate it into both my professional and personal practice and consider myself a starting practiontioner.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
I am a gatherer. I gather women with the intention of inspiring global communities of resilient women, one circle at a time.
Where do you live/work?
Calgary, Alberta
Would you like to share a web address?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
My work is offered in circle dialogue centred around theories in psychology, women's studies, conflict resolution, appreciative inquiry and living systems.

It is informed and inspired by numerous teachers such as Native Elder Mae Louise Campbell; Trans-personal Psychologist Gwendolyn Jasmin; Peerspirit Storycatchers and Circle Trainers, Christina Baldwin and Anne Linnea; Art and Science of Coaching, Marilyn Atkinson; and The Art of Hosting - training in Conversations that Matter, to name a few.

Things that might surprise & delight you about me:

I am a mother of 3 wonderful kids, who remind me each day to connect, show compassion and be courageous.

On my 42 birthday, I ventured out on a vision quest where I sat on a mountain fasting and asking the questions that I knew needed to be asked. The answers are still rolling in!

For the past 5 years I have offered Full Moon Ceremony Circles for women with two of my closest friends Christa and Trudy. A commitment I made to Elder, Mae Louise.

I am discovering my inner hippie and gypsy. I just created a lasagne garden in my backyard, plan to hook up my house to solar energy by 2012, and love to tour around with my kids (favourite spot Nelson, BC - where I eventually plan to move) in my 1984 baby blue Westfalia!

I am a crazy, crazy volunteer! I keep finding myself chairing committees, school councils, or helping out on anything I can to support my kids education and activities.

I love to read oracles such as medicine cards, runes, tarot cards etc. as they provide me with insight and questions to what I might need to pay attenti

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At 5:35am on October 9, 2011, Mary Alice Arthur said…
Welcome to the Art of Hosting Ning community, Leslie! Please add a picture, when you can, so we can really see you here, and thank you for your extensive your profile, that really helps the community can help you & connect to you. There are plenty of resources here, please add your own and join the conversation!

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