The Art of Hosting

Jennifer Cummings
  • Female
  • Duluth, MN
  • United States
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Jennifer Cummings's Friends

  • Jerry Nagel

Jennifer Cummings's Page

Profile Information

How did you learn about Art of Hosting (please add the date and place) and what attracted you to it?
As a student at Northland College ('09-'11) studying Sustainable Community Development I found AoH through a search for resources. Experiencing World Cafe attracted me to Art of Hosting because the dialogue carried on and was very valuable!
Tell us about your experience with Art of Hosting as part of your life and work. What would you say your competence in it is? (new, starting practitioner, experienced practitioner, steward)
I am a starting practitioner with some significant experience. As a senior capstone I developed a method of hosting a conversation in a transient community. I have helped facilitate World Cafes and Open Spaces. I am developing a revised version of Collective Mind Mapping for use in a community newspaper called The Hillsider in Duluth, MN.
What is the primary field/topic/focus in your hosting work?
Good, clean, fair food and free public space.
Where do you live/work?
Duluth, MN
Would you like to share a web address?
Are there interests/passions that you'd like to share?
Think differently. Live differently. Use differently.

My profile photo was taken on the edge of a tobacco and family sustenance farm in Pinar Del Rio, Cuba!!! I learned we from the USA are blocked from going to Cuba in sixth grade, began researching why, and determined that night to go. November 2011, 11 years later I experienced my dream in real life. The music and dancing was unbelievable!

My first time leaving USA culture

I went to Cuba! November-December 2011 I spent ten days in Habana and Pinar Del Rio, Cuba studying sustainable urban agriculture. I was a sponge, soaking up all the wisdom, experience, positivity, and success I could. We, our group of 17 Witness For Peace delegates from all over the USA, could teach Cubans no thing about growing food sustainably. If we were a mission trip our mission was to listen and learn. 

Advanced methods of community organizing were in practice and successfully transforming neighborhoods. Especially interesting to me were the rooftop gardens and home based cafeterias throughout Habana. 

I love talking about Cuba - and all foreign places. Message me for more stories or to share your stories!

Thank you!

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At 10:37am on January 14, 2013, Jerry Nagel said…

Would love to connect. I'll be in Duluth in March doing an AoH training there.


At 6:38pm on December 19, 2012, Mary Alice Arthur said…

Welcome to the Art of Hosting community, Jennifer! Glad to see you here! Please post a photo when you can so we can really "see" you here. Then join in with all the conversations. You'll find plenty of resources here, too, to help you deepen your practice. And the more you add to your profile, the more the community can learn from you and share with you.  There is a very strong community of practice in Minnesota.  Contact Jerry Nagel to find out what's happening around your area.


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