The Art of Hosting

Host: Martin
Harvest: Kelly
Other Participants: Judy, Lauren, Liz, Nancy, Lina, Barbara, Elizabeth
Outcome of First call: 
  • looking for connection and co-learning, especially for those without developed CoP. 
  • invite each other into each other's work
  • how can we develop rotating leadership?
  • we explored our needs and are now wanting to focus our purpose
Check-in: Whale bone talking piece from Baha
  • Lina (Chicago): 2 very successful AoHs in 2009 & 10. Most of calling team focused on children and families. Focused on how we work more intentionally together w/ youth and families. Retreat scheduled next week. Wanting to build our calling team and broadening our reach and work intentionally w/ gov officials. Toke coming to work w/ group end of March and AoH end of May. Hopefully host Meg & Debbie for book team. Personal goal is get more local colleagues.
  • Judy (Boston): joined call bc I am curious about what can come of community like this, but have sense that a lot of shifting and changing in world means we will be called. We hold new pattern and model for conversations and consciousness. Continue to work with Ria Beck on Women Holding the Edge. Some of us from Art of Human Being gathering are still coming together.
  • Elizabeth (Atlanta): join curious about trans-local community. Know only one other person in AoH here. Reaching our and looking for ways to step up and into the work around money and consciousness. What could be loosely held or created that could build bridges? Working with Nancy and Martin on Money conversation in NYC.
  • Kelly (New York): Thank God it's Friday! Think there is trans-local community learning going on. Cur
  • Liz (New York): joined the call bc an AoH practitioner and learning from all of you. Joined AoPL. Been working on circle meeting. Oct 23rd hosted with colleagues Social Shift work to try to change delivery of education and juvenile justice. We have a calling team there and we will host a WC there in February. Here to try to get some information in a way that I can start some grassroots people, esp parents really get to work on what needs to happen for lives of children. 
  • Barbara (Boston): I work in large and entrenched bureaucracy, but have been bringing circle and AoH practices w great success. I have found a hunger in people. When people recognize what they have been missing, they tumble into it. I see it as something that is important to do. Have been thinking about CoP and notion of making the web even stronger, making connections in a place where we can do ongoing learning and prototyping. Learning excites me the most with people who take these practices to heart.
  • Martin (New York/NJ): In work around wealth and money. Also, in a couple of other gatherings, we did work w/ Tuesday with homelessness --- has been wonderful to learn from others in very open way that gets us out of our patterns. This is why I am called to this. Co-learning and prototyping is essential
  • Nancy (New York/NJ): we have a path set out for ourselves in NYC. We have an intention to support Philly in their growth of CoP. Personally this yr have been able to visit Lina and Laurie Prest in Kingston. Rich experience to be able to even share each other's stories. Like the story telling aspect. 
  • Laurel (Toronto): happy to be on call and grateful to be here. Held Christmas circle w/ group of women about what is important about the holidays, welcoming circle for my niece in the fall for woman in my family. Friend of mine elected to office and has called community meeting next week. Citizens advisory committees have been behind closed doors and she wants something different. Putting a big invitation out there to help with this. Nobody else who I can connect to locally, beside by sister. Trying to design it myself bc friend in office has never been thru this before. Shifting careers to AoH and facilitation.
Going Forward:
  • What might this look like in practice? 
  • We may not be able to do all of it in the next half hour, but can those of you who have passion around this commit to moving it forward?
  • How can we rotate leadership and invite people into it?
  • What more do you see about the specific purpose might be and what it might look like?
  • Judy: How might we enter learning together? Apprentice w/ AoH trainings?
  • Lina: Are there other ways in addition to assisting with AoH that could help us grow our skills? Is there a way could do this separate from geographic AoHs to grow and learn?
  • Barbara: Makes me think of warriorship - having courage to step into new even if we are uncertain. Being together as group of people instead of in 'apprenticeship' structure. Coming to new knowledge.
  • Laurel: Hearing that the purpose is for practitioners to support other practitioners. Community to go to when you need it. Specifics could be f-2-f, calls, trainings.
  • Liz: A purpose could be a source to teach or help us through work we are doing alone.
  • Kelly: Love the 'open source' culture of AoH and sharing learning. Hearing that we are a circle, with rotating leadership. Bringing our learning needs to the circle is providing leadership as we ask for help.
Story of the Hour in Question (alias, NY Minute) Prototype: See Tenneson's blog on using the bones for an in-person circle practice and my comments about the 1-hr conf call version. Also, the conversation that I started about it and related docs.
  • Laurel: Does it follow the pro-action cafe? sounds like it will help keep my focus and not get swayed. mentoring and guidance piece sounds great. would love to be involved the next day, helping someone else get the help.
  • Nancy: it works, as a participant, you learn also and experience deeper connection.
  • Liz: i have been in some of these circles. feels like your input gets person thinking in a different way. before you know it, person who is asking the question is already outlining what they need to do next. 
  • Martin: Also hearing that ability to leverage our co-learning. Sometimes we can work with each other with travel expenses covered so that we can have experience. Picking up additional skills and learning while you are offering your gifts as well.
  • Elizabeth: hearing about the challenges --- resources, knowledge, etc. To be able to work together thru these things. I love hearing the way you call these calls when there is a need, when we need mates to walk into the fire with us.
Martin: In spirit of rotating leadership, can someone host the next call and take us into the chaotic stepping stones process? 
Next Call
Co-hosts: Barbara & Lina
Date: Wed, Feb 23 @ 4-5:30 pm
Check-out: what Q are we still holding now?
  • Judy: do we continue to invite everyone and see who comes? i welcome that, the more diverse the higher the potential
  • Liz: can we individually ask other people to join even if they haven't been to the first few calls?
  • Elizabeth: why not?
  • Lina: hoping several of my colleagues would join too. Who is going to be at ALIA and might we organize something there?
  • Martin: what would an actual gathering of translocal CoP look like?
  • Laurel: If I was to send out a meeting wizard and who might be available for a NY minute?
  • Barbara: when do i get to get hugs and be in your presence?
  • Kelly: how do we hold the rim and the container so that it is open and holds the intention strongly? holarchy is different that hierarchy and closed system.
  • Nancy: what can we learn from each other that we might not be able to learn anywhere else? what is unique about our co-learning relationship and what's possible?
Martin: Yes, invite others in and if they haven't been on before, make sure they know what has been going on and the purpose
Kelly: and direct them to AoH Ning, Translocal group for notes from calls.
Nancy: encourage us to be in touch with each other btw now and next call.

Views: 160

Replies to This Conversation

Thank you for this friends. I'd like to participate too. But, not available for the 2/23 call. I'll join in when I can. 


For now, greetings from CoPs that I feel a connection and creation in during the last 9 months (Boston, Calgary, Ottawa, Edmonton). And in particular, from the Salt Lake Valley, where we are convening monthly and meeting next month to explore our learning together about the CoP itself.


Here is a map created by Sky Freyss-Cole from the recent AoH Boston. Lovely in and of itself. And you can see in the bottom right, the CoPs beginning to meet!



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