From the emaillist, September '12:
Another story shared by Mary Alice, Oct.'12:
Hello mates!
The latest — and small! -- version of the Collective Story Harvest document is attached (in the coming days we do more of this method this week, another email is coming!).
We’ve just finished our AoH training in Kalundborg, Denmark. We were a very international and experienced field of 40, including a hosting team. Many of the participants had been to a prior training and many came with specific projects and initiatives they wanted support on. The calling question was: HOW CAN WE DEVELOP OUR COLLABORATION WITH PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS IN SERVICE OF THE COMMON GOOD?
Last night we had a powerful Collective Story Harvest. We listened to four stories:
Here are the systemic questions I harvested which could be used anywhere:
“I believe our life experience is shaping us, making us who we are.” – Ibrahim
“The real leader is the one who can turn negative energy into positive.” – Ibrahim’s father
I have just experienced a Japanese tea ceremony here (thank you, Yurie!) and I raise a cup of the beautiful green brew in your honour,
Mary Alice
Would like to share with you a way I have used CSH in a setting in which the framing of the event was harvested with CSH. Sounds like what Chris and others were contemplating. I used this on two occasions with a group of healthcare innovators in Minnesota. The first winner of a large national grant for healthcare innovation was announced and the story of their work was offered to the other innovators gathered in a keynote address. I did discuss with the presenters what the audience would be listening for ahead of time. One of five arcs were harvested at each table and then the essence was discussed at the tables and harvested to the whole and recorded. The arcs were:
1)What can we learn from this story for application in our own or other systems?
2)What can we learn from this story for use on a larger scale?
3)What questions arise in this story, that we can ask of any system?
4)What happened that may have been a pivotal point? synchronicity? Were there some myth buster moments?
5)What principles of working with complex patients might be applied to working in a complex system?
I mentioned to the "audience" that they were both receiving and giving a gift. The director of the organization telling the story was very moved by the harvest and expressed his appreciation to me individually. Jerry and I co-hosted this group of about 60 innovators last June. I have used this a few times since and it has been well received each time. While this way wasn't as graphic as the beautiful CSHs I have participated in with AoH gatherings, it was an introduction for a "red/blue energy" group of folks that nudged them out of their comfort zones and allowed them to experience collective harvesting:-)
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