Harvested from the check in:
Uisce. Flow. Water.
a fifth
the new province that arises when dignity is present
the empty water of creation
the blankness of beginning.
What makes your heart beat faster?
What rushes the courage and heats the blood?
Excitement and fear
last going first here
the anxiety of a shallow chance
the thought of a simple dance
and the possibilities of a romance between
a heart and head and a gut that finds home
in a circle that puts me on the land.
Attend to the heart that comes alive in the poetry
of dangerous and noble things
beauty that sings in rearranged rings
being unsure, feeling the rise and fall of risk
feeling the belonging and the bloodrush of
an argument between beloved
or the vicarious experience of watching my sons
move their bodies on the pitch
feeling the itch to play, but staying away,
reaching them only with a pulse.
There is a dulcet tone to the stern declaration of clarity
a resonance with the parity of intention
an invitation that pulls at the rush.
Fear again. and guilt, the history that has built up in me
from years of inaction and inactivity, seeing the faces illuminated by fire
the blaze outside, a circle of ideas with traction that return to inaction
and a guilted edge.
Fear again. And love. But knowing I am not alone,
makes my heart beat faster, a rush to calm, a balm to relax.
Fear attacks my exposure, but my heart explodes at connections
and inspiration, inquiry and conversation, open and vulnerable.
Excitement occupies my court, shuttles my attention
through my child's imagination, a series of creations,
the flow of uisce the joy that.
Fear again. adrenaline. energy that becomes passion
that fashions my fear into excitement, turns flee to stay,
fall into the interaction with people that make me race.
A tap on the ground, a stick on the earth,
the surprise of the birth of the unexpected world
creeping death robs my breath of length
and the collapse here seems set to change us this year.
This is a perfect time to chime, but I couldn't manage it all.
My heart races at sight of love and the lost chance to have given love
and at the discovery of a map that helps me find the world that
has always been there.
The promise of books, the promise of possibility,
and the hostile reality of the promise of death
the syncronicity of a blossoming next breath
and the empathy of vulnerability and a tube of red lipstick.
In my heart is a hill that is climbed when my heart finds the view
of transformed life right in my midst or in the travel of new place.
The fear and terror of skiing at the edge of my ability
under a big beautiful Canadian sky, and of being that same guy
off the hill, doing a new thing, diving into the cold of some kind of vulnerable
nakedness know that it could be brilliant in the end
and calls you to get in it again.
Life is about learning how to play and dance in the rain.
It is about the way things change ,the chance of pain transformed
to confidence and joy.
Fearlessness has me forgetting the edges of excitement and fear
the joyfulness of free play, the best and worst of people
drawn away from unconscious living
and into the giving of passion to each other
away from a compliant calm.
to a knowledge of power
and not to cower from the responsibility
of speaking clearly to the centre
and letting it mentor my heart into a full
embrace of my kids and the pride that hides there.
Love catches me by the chin and draws me in to presence,
to my connections to kin, the lessons of children
the moments in which I am fully awake.
My heart races when I know I belong to this nature
when I see eyes light up and know I am never alone
engaged in the long hope of
being right here.
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