The Art of Hosting

A warm Hello to all from Paris. As I left Budapest today, I thought of the last few days well spent in powerful circles in AOH and the many conversations and connections that I hope to nurture as time flies by.

Speaking of setting an intention and finding magical support to fulfil in action, I am inspired by both attending the AOH in the first place that started with joining this online site this year. Secondly, it was a journey in itself to visit the Heart Chakra in Dobogoku (as described by Dalai Lama) on my last day in Budapest with Lamu, a lovely friend I found in AOH. 

Both would not have been possible without the support, encouragement of many other friends and I wish to thank you all ... personal messages and mails will follow as and when I find time in Paris to connect.

I am also curious to know and here are my questions to start a conversation..over coffee or chai :)

What has been your high point moment/s in AOH Budapest?

What has touched you, inspired you, surprised you?




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