The Art of Hosting

From an email on the emaillist 29 Sept. '09:

Hi Folks,

We are working on an Art of Hosting for leaders in the food movement in Nova Scotia this fall called "Art of Participatory Leadership - Moving the Food Movement". Myself, Sera Thompson, Matt Habash and Corey Kohn are on the team. Corey is brilliant with social media and we have
already begun with our online presence. She also developed this one pager going into how stories and images can contribute to conversations. I loved it and thought it would be great to share with y'all to inspire work in other places.

Corey is copied in here and her website is ... if you want to know more or contact her directly.


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Attached is an updated document on Harvesting we are developing for an upcoming gathering around Food in Nova Scotia. I sent out an earlier version - based on some of the feedback and ideas Corey has added a section on audio too. Cool I reckon.
Hello mates!

Monica, Ria and I have put together our experiences in group story harvesting as an input to the AoH field in the attached document. It is a beginning of this aspect of hosting the harvest and we hope all of you will have much to contribute to this experiment soon.

The photos in this document came from the Art of Collaborative Leadership at the end of September here in Brussels (and aren’t they a gorgeous group! They certainly did gorgeous harvest!). We were harvesting the FinanceLab story. Attached also is Luke's music harvest.

I’m looking forward to putting this to work with a longer standing practice team and outside of a training, so if you have a place you’d like to try it with me, please let me know!

Mary Alice

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