The Art of Hosting

This is a story that started with an email, with a request for financial support:

"Dear Mates,

I email you all with a heart request to help financially keep the movement going and help bring this work to Indigenous youth in Membertou, Cape Breton Island NS.  I know that financially at this time the world is in chaos. It is easier to give up which is precisely why I want to move this work forward. It is these practices (art of hosting and warrior of the heart) that help us lead in complex times with courage. It’s what is needed most. If the only thing the Emerging Leadership team does this year is finish this PILOT to be inclusive of art of hosting and warrior of the heart, it sets this work up to happen again in the future.


It is crucial that the art of hosting and warrior of the heart be included in the Emerging Leadership Program for reasons that you all know, it works when changing systems. The government cut NCFNG’s funding drastically days before the scheduled training was to take place. Training that I have been waiting years to happen. Either the art of hosting gets cut from the program or we find alternative resources to make it happen. This is where you come in. Eagles, with vision. We honour you by asking for help. ..."

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Reply by Martin:


Sounds like Coyote and Raven were afoot. Wise to let structure go and put the ear to the ground.
To listen to what the wind and heart speak.
Throw away the tools.
Listen to what stirs after you leave as you stare into the coals of the fire.
Inside and out.
Well done
With gratitude
Martin Siesta

And to close this circle, back to Pawa, who had send out the initial email, asking for support:

"Klahoya (greetings)

Northern Lights blessed the night sky as my month long journey in Mi'kmaq territory came to a magical close. It was ancestors dancing with pride and joy that blood memories are being activated by practicing ceremony! From Regina Saskatchewan to Edmonton Alberta, two provinces celebrating in dance!

Eagle flew over my path & welcomed me home, Chilliwack Sto:lo territory, British Columbia. Klecko Tseekwatin (thanks Eagles) for your generous spirit & gift of good will. Klecko thank you for all your attention, care and financial contributions to this important work. Klecko for holding a global container allowing us to explore teachings & conversational patterns held in rich indigenous ceremony. Klecko to the ancestors for being in flow. Klecko Kathy, Sarah, Ryan, Robin, BobWing & the team that stood together to see this project through. The depth of relationship this community practices fills me up & helped keep this movement going in the face of adversity.

It is an honor to be in circle with you & I offer a deep bow of gratitude to each of you. We are working for Creator, RAINBOW WARRIORS UNITE

The teachings are still percolating and the brew smells delicious. More to report on as the teachings are digested.

In Solidarity,

And a beautiful quote, send in by Monica:

"Dear friend,

reading your description of events has brought the Hopi quote to me several times...
......... "And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt."The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! "Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
"We are the ones we have been waiting for." Oraibi, Arizona, Hopi Nation"
Kathy wrote down her remembering and some learning in a blogpost 'Hosting Ceremony' on her blog Shapeshifters - what's in a name?!?

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