The Art of Hosting

I recently was asked to do a world cafe as part of a small conference for Adolescent Family Counsellors. Originally we had planned for 90 minutes but, as sometimes happens, the time was cut and we ended up with only 30 minutes. While it was far from ideal, it still worked and I think the participants appreciated it. We used the time to explore what they were taking home from the conference. They had three rounds of seven minutes, before returning to their original table to find three pieces of gold. The first round was a bit like a brainstorm, but they had some more significant convesation in the next two rounds. While it was far from ideal, it still worked and I think the participants appreciated it.


I'm not good at charging, so it was a freebie, and I suspect the time wouldn't have been cut by nearly as much if they had been paying for my time. But that's OK, I learnt from it. I wrote more about it in a blog post if you are interested.

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Thanks for sharing Graeme! Sounds from your blogpost that it still held a lot of value for the participants; and I know the feeling of getting cramped in time... happens so often... Keep these stories coming here, they are so valuable for newbies to learn from, and maybe also for some more experienced.

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