Time: January 10, 2016 to January 15, 2016
Location: Raimbow Nature Space / Espaço Natureza Arco-íris
City/Town: São Paulo, BR
Website or Map: http://www.espacoarcoiris.com…
Phone: +55 11 9 7488-7003
Event Type: aoh, international, gathering
Organized By: Marina Minari, Tamara Azevedo, Amanda Gambale e Emi Tanaka
Latest Activity: Dec 7, 2015
Our purpose is to grow each others’ strength in order to flow as practitioners, exchange experiences and live the differences among the various corners of the world. Also, to enjoy, socialize, celebrate and have fun! Whoever comes will be the right people! This call is for all AoH practitioners from everywhere in the world, not only for the stewards. We will prepare a joyful and cosy space for mates to share meaningful stories and to be in deep service to our work and to the field of Art of Hosting.
Application Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SupCjzrljwB0UqJmgzknAbjMRWDhxVpXofCvYUnNKHw/viewform
Nosso propósito é conviver, trocar experiências, viver as diferenças entre os vários cantos do mundo e fortalecer uns aos outros para fluirmos como praticantes da Arte de Anfitirar. Além disso, vamos desfrutar, festejar e nos divertir! Quem quer que venha são as pessoas certas! Este é um encontro para praticantes da Arte de Anfitriar em todo o mundo. Prepararemos um espaço acolhedor para amigos se encontrarem e compartilharem histórias significativas de modo que aprofundemos na nossa prática da Arte de Anfitirar.
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