The Art of Hosting

Most Art of Hosting trainings and related events use a Handout - Workbook - Journal for the participants to use, read, write notes etc.
Please share yours by adding a comment below, give it a good, visible title (make it bold, so it is easy for others to recognise), and add a little bit of the context you used it in, and why it might be different than other workbooks; or what is new in your case.

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No Actually, I had similar difficulties. Would it be too much of a bother to post it again?


many thanks!



Hmm. That is odd. Will give it a try here.
This workbook does continue to inspire.  I have just been referring to it as I'm in conversation with friends in Brazil about an Art of Awakening: A Journey to Healing and Open-Heartedness retreat.  Your work has been informed and expanded our thinking about our work.  Thank you. Kathy

Lisa Abby said:

I hear from several participants that our workbook continues to inspire. Thank you for posting it here, Judy.

As we just had a mini reunion of our group, there is more harvest under the Art of Humans Being conversation on this site. There is also a handout of an original song I wrote and a sample of a simple 'visual journal' kind of harvest that I do at many of our gatherings.

To create this I prepare journal pages beforehand with a watercolor wash and then draw or write the essence of what is being shared during the gathering on the journal pages. It is easy to photograph and upload after an event. You can check it out at Visual Harvest idea from Art of Humans Being.

Judy Wallace said:

Art of Humans Being, July 29-Aug. 1, 2010 Essex Conference Center, Essex, MA USA

Hosting Team - Tenneson Woolf, Judy Wallace, Lisa Abby, Edveeje Fairchild

As we finally dived into the creation of our book, it became a co-creative process. Lisa really led the initiative as she learned the Mac and held the access point for our creative endeavor - all at the same time. This was not the typical Art of Hosting training and we wanted our book to carry the energy that we were holding - our intention and question to build on the AoH pattern.
Our Question: How will we as 'Humans Being' repattern ourselves to create and activate the new story?
The book carries the beauty of Lisa's art and the original writings that we each brought in as our practices, as how we live the Art of Humans Being. It was an ever evolving work of art. Many have expressed their gratitude for this gift of beauty and remembrance - as well as the practical Art of Hosting models, maps, and methods included.

It was an honor to be part of co-creating this new story as AoH evolves.

Hi all!

Here is the workbook we crafted for our AOH workshop held in Quebec on june 2011. It is in french! We did the layout with Pages on Mac. I can provide the original files on demand. The document is distributed with a Creative Commmons license.


Thanks Jean-Sébastien! Your sharing is much appreciated! (did they use the same workbook in France?)

Hi Ria,


Yep, they had a different workbook in France.

Ria Baeck said:

Thanks Jean-Sébastien! Your sharing is much appreciated! (did they use the same workbook in France?)
This handbook is fantastic. Thank you so much Chris and all the wonderful people who have contributed to give it this feeling of life running through it.

Workbook AoH Vermont, summer 2011

Send in by Yeyo (Sergio Beltrán), with these words:

"Here is the workbook we used in the Art of Hosting Vermont, thanks to all the people that had put effort, content and knowledge in the materials that are available, hoping this piece is usefull for future trainings.

Love Yeyo"


It's wonderful to see the sharing that takes place here! And here is what we used in the first AoH francophone (July 2010). There was an AoH in June, I will see if I can get an electronic copy of that workbook (built on this one, each one has its particularities!).

The more we share, the richer we are!

Bonne journée -


PS: I've tried to send this here but it's 6MB and won't go through... And I can't modify it to reduce its size... Any suggestions? If anyone wants it, let me know and I'll send it with usendit.

Hello Nancy,


I echo the spirit of sharing! Some suggestions here for dealing with larger documents:


— I wonder if it would be possible to break it down into several documents, and post them as Part 1, Part 2 etc.


— OR, sometimes what makes the files so big is the image quality. It is possible in some programs to reduce the image quality after having inserted them (in some cases you can right-click on the image in the document and reduce the quality of it like that). Or, just re-edit the image to reduce its quality before inserting into the document. 


— Perhaps send the document via Yousend it to someone who can make these modifications, if it is difficult for you 


— Else we could have a different location for large documents? 





Hi Sofia and thanks for these suggestions.  I just took a bunch of pictures out of the document... It is less beautiful! but much lighter (less than 5MB) and should go through now.

Consume without moderation!



Sofia Bustamante said:

Hello Nancy,


I echo the spirit of sharing! Some suggestions here for dealing with larger documents:


— I wonder if it would be possible to break it down into several documents, and post them as Part 1, Part 2 etc.


— OR, sometimes what makes the files so big is the image quality. It is possible in some programs to reduce the image quality after having inserted them (in some cases you can right-click on the image in the document and reduce the quality of it like that). Or, just re-edit the image to reduce its quality before inserting into the document. 


— Perhaps send the document via Yousend it to someone who can make these modifications, if it is difficult for you 


— Else we could have a different location for large documents? 






We change the British english spelling to Unitedstatian english where we notice it in this workbook, and added 3 articles at the end of it. The first one is a brief scheeme of the Berkana model of the 2 loops about how sistemic change happens, and two articles by Carla Kimball: A Conversation about Presence and Engaging the Whole Person in Conversation.

Thank you Ria for posting this in the proper space!



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