The Art of Hosting

It was so great to see those of you who were able to make it out for our first meeting. If you haven't added to our harvest thread because of technology gremlins I've attached a little helper guide. Your reflections are welcome! 

We proposed a rhythm to our gatherings; the last Sunday of every month, with additional gatherings called from time to time. So with that, our next date is set for February 26th.  
Our next step is to have a place to meet... Zack - were you able to set up the Google Doc? Perhaps we could send the link out and we can add our location ideas.
Also, in our conversation we talked about our gatherings being centred in the Art of Hosting; here are some links to pages with history on what the Art of Hosting is (including a recent video from Tim Merry) on this page, and there is also this page with more of the creation story. Helpful to share with friends who might be joining us who haven't attended an Art of Hosting before.

Views: 105


Replies to This Conversation


Has there been a location decided on for the next meeting?  I am looking forward to meeting again, and just want to make sure I have all the details before the day sneaks up on me.  Cheers,


Not that I've heard, Laura. 

I've just emailed this note to our group:

Greetings greetings,

Less than a week to go til our next gathering on Sunday February 26th. Any suggestions for a spot? I think even a coffee shop that welcomes lingerers might work; so far I think only Laura and I have mentioned being able to attend. 
Ideas, suggestions, recommendations welcomed on the location and start/end time for the group to jam on.
Hope everyone is well on this rainy February night,


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