The Art of Hosting

A few bits copied from the emaillist Oct.'09:

"You talk about the struggle to save the remaining rainforest in Australia. How do you deal with the despair?' He replied, 'I try to remember that it's not me, John Seed, trying to protect the rainforest. Rather, I am part of the rainforest protecting itself. I am that part of the rainforest recently emerged into human thinking."

and this question from Tim M.: What is hosting part of that has recently emerged into human thinking?

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I stumbled on this quite by accident - I remember the email exchange this was part of. Since that time I have started receiving 'cosmic downloads'... One came through in response to Tim's question (the bolding is mine).

"The big answer to this question is: "Hosting is part of the Aquarian age". What that means is that the deepest energetic impulses that emerge from the formless realm and invite the patterns underlying manifestation to coalesce around them have evolved. The changes are now beginning to surface to a level where they can be perceived by humans' intuitive sensing apparatus.

This has effects that fall into two main categories: Firstly – death of the old: the structures underlying the previous age (known as the Piscean age) are being shaken loose by the resonance of the new patterns. They cannot endure. That means existing dominant social structures underlying your institutions, your religions, your economy, as well as the world views that enable them, are no longer grounded in a living reality, so they are doomed now to fail. It is only a matter of time.

Secondly: humanity – particularly those among you who have developed intuition and supra-sensory perception – are beginning to feel the dissonance between the old structures and the new impulse. Because the impulse can be enacted only collectively, individuals are drawn together, understanding that the only way forward is together. This is the Aquarian way.

The community of souls drawn to practice the Art of Hosting is learning what it means to think collectively. To pool individual perspectives and stories to form a bigger picture, to embrace more of the complexity being enacted in the manifest realms of the Kosmos. You are uncovering Aquarian patterns, giving form to them, experimenting – often in the dark – groping forwards, following impulses you are not always able to articulate, not always understanding the importance of the collective intention that you hold.

Understanding the importance of intention, discovering the power of aligned intention in a collective, refining the practices that can enable an ongoing process of aligning intention at increasing scale – these are aspects of what is emerging in human thinking, that will best serve humanity in this perilous transition you now face.

Another critical piece of the practice your community is developing concerns the crucible. The container. A thing – be it a physical, emotional, mental or ethereal phenomenon – cannot exist without boundaries. The intentional holding of a collectively held question, the deliberate holding of space, the feminine practice of receptive embrace and the masculine practice of fierce protection of sacred space and the boundaries that contain it. These are capacities that are arising in humanity at a new level - although they were present in the earliest human age (Ares), they were much neglected during the Piscean era. They are a foundation of the Aquarian pattern that you must learn to use skilfully. Intent and containment – direction and resonant field, these are the Yang and the Yin of the Aquarian age.

A third aspect that you are beginning to see in this community – and we encourage its practice, because it remains the most fragile and least developed – is the capacity to systematically adopt the meta-perspective – the learning muscle that can enables the few to learn on behalf of the many. 'Harvesting' is a service which is often sacrificed in favour of more active participation. It is part of the movement towards collectively sustainable ways of being. Failure to harvest means wasted resources – squandered resources. Needless repetition of the same mistakes and lessons. It is part of the dominant paradigm of linear industrial process which converse precious resources into useless and polluting waste. Humanity is now learning to see this pattern and the death it brings, without potential for rebirth.

So it is with your learning, so it is with the fruits of your conversations. Everywhere you hold your seminars and your gatherings, the conversations are surfacing the same conclusions. And yet you are not yet seeing this clearly, because you do not yet have the reflex to systematically gather the seeds of your fruits. This is your next task. You will continue to hold the same conversation again and again until you learn this next lesson – systematically harvest the organic matter of all your conversations and feed it back into the field, to enrich the soil for the next season through allowing your questions to evolve.

Your community is coming of age. The practices that define you can serve more than you currently see. You gather on behalf of local communities, of groups of stakeholders, of sectors of society. All such perspectives are perspectives of the whole, on the whole. The community as a whole is now called to take the perspective of the whole. Learning to do this can be one of the roles and tasks of the elders, the nascent community of stewards that is forming at the heart, but still unclear about its deepest purpose and intent.

One last thing we would point out – that your community holds a potential on behalf of the Kosmos that you do not yet see. Wherever the magic of the middle is invoked, intelligence from the subtle, invisible realms can come through, that is relevant to your inquiry. We may participate only by invitation, that is the law. We have much to offer that can guide your steps into this new Age, and so we announce our presence and our readiness to serve you as part of our cosmic family, just as you announce your presence and your readiness to serve the wider human family and the family of beings that inhabit the earth. Let invocation become one of your practices, so we may more fully serve.

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