The Art of Hosting

Ria Baeck's Comments

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At 8:00am on February 26, 2015, Lara said…

Dag Ria,

ja, ik was op de 3daagse in Planica, Slovenia vorig jaar. En ik heb ervan genoten. In zekere zin is m'n AoH leerreis heel erg verbonden met dat mooie land aan de andere kant van de Alpen. Ik stuur je dadelijk mn adres, dan kan je me op die geheimzinnige lijst zetten :) Hartelijke groet, L

At 6:10pm on February 24, 2015, Lara said…

Over dadelen gesproken...

Ken je timerepublik al? Dat is ook een startend netwerk, zoals dadelen, maar dan wereldwijd, met minuten ipv dadels :) Ik vindt vooral leuk dat het zo internationaal is. Helaas hebben ze in't het aanbod 'facilitator, procesbegeleider, etc. -nog- niet opgenomen. 

At 6:07pm on February 24, 2015, Lara said…

Dag Ria,

dat ken ik :) we ontmoetten elkaar daarna trouwens nog kort op de Dadel-dag in het Kaaitheater...

je mag me zeker toevoegen aan de lijst van activelingen in Vlaanderen. Ik woon nog tot eind maart in Spanje, en daarna vertrek ik naar Duitsland, maar ik kom nog vaak (en graag) naar 'huis'. Ik wil de komende tijd heel graag meer ontwikkellen en vooral-doen- met AoH en je mag me ook zeker contacteren als je helpende handen (& hart & hoofd) nodig hebt!

groet, Lara

At 5:00am on July 24, 2012, Anne Guillaume said…

Thank you. Good to hear from you - hoping you're doing well !

Have a nice summer. 


At 11:53am on July 20, 2012, Sophie Lijnen said…

Hallo Ria, Dank je wel voor de groepslinken. En ja, ik probeer me inderdaad uit te drukken in het NL ;-)



At 3:56am on February 15, 2012, Amanda Fenton said…

Looks great! Here is the PDF... please feel free to email it out to the listserv (I would love to let Chris tell the broader community about the CoP; it has been close to his heart for much longer than me).




At 1:34am on February 10, 2012, Amanda Fenton said…

Hi Ria! Have a look at the attached - let me know if that captured your ideas? And please do post it wherever it would be helpful.

AoH Ning Helper



At 6:57am on January 21, 2012, Marc-Antoine Sammarcelli said…

Hello Ria,

I had to clean my blog.

That's why I deleted an article talking about Pro Action Café.

But if you want, I can send it to you.

I Still have this article on my blog :


At 12:04pm on December 28, 2011, Marc-Antoine Sammarcelli said…

Hello Ria,

I Have troubles with my blog and I'll tell you when it works again.


At 2:25pm on December 16, 2011, Agota Eva Ruzsa said… skype is agotahungary...

At 4:03pm on December 5, 2011, Griet Hellinckx said…

Thank you for the feedback. It makes perfect sense, but somehow the layout of the text gets messed up when I put it into the frame and I don't get it into a proper shape (neither when copying my word-file nor when copying from the pdf). Giving up for today...

At 6:16pm on October 2, 2011, Simon Cooke said…

Hey Ria,  Many thanks!  There's definitely seems to be a growing interest for AoH in the region. I think the concepts are a breath of fresh air. So many people seemed to be dissatisfied with the current command and control approach used by stakeholders and policy makers here.  At the moment I am looking for others who are interested in hosting / attending / participating in a "world-cafe" event in Sarajevo on sustainable community initiatives.  I'm also doing some prepatory work for an event in Lebanon as well.  It's going to be a bumpy ride... ;-)




At 5:04am on September 23, 2011, Martin Buechele said…

Hi Ria,

Thanks, I hear the invitation to share my learnings during this year - and this invitation has come from many friends and mates recently, not least at a dinner conversation with Ann, Christina and Helen two weeks ago. It is one of my learning edges. I haven't been a writer at all until now in my life, so once I am out of this busy transition phase and "en route" I will sense into this topic and see what wants to emerge ...

Love from Vienna,



At 10:08am on May 30, 2011, Jeffer London said…

Hello Ria, glad to connect with fellow facilitators in Belgium.

I came into contact with AoH doing events with Deloitte back in 1998, and then experimented with it for many years in Thinking Out Loud (a forum I lead for facilitators, trainers and creative people). I now use it for team events and connected with organisational development, change and brainstorming.


Best, Jeffer

At 12:08pm on May 24, 2011, elizabeth olson said…
Thanks for accepting me Ria!  I wish I could attend the OH meeting next month but I have other commitments.   I look forward to opportunities to work and play together.
At 4:29pm on March 30, 2011, Margaret Sanders said…
Thank you for the welcome, Ria! I am glad to be here.
At 8:05am on March 28, 2011, Tracy Meisterheim said…
Ria, Thanks for adding clarity to my research posting. I hope you have a chance to respond to our survey, as you clearly have the experience we're hoping to learn from. Warmly, Tracy
At 5:33pm on March 23, 2011, Piret Jeedas said…
Thank you Ria, will dig deeper...Best, Piret
At 2:53am on March 16, 2011, Antje Berheide said…
Hi Ria, thank you for your welcome comment and for the hint about the power of places. I am already a member of the initiative portal.
At 5:37pm on March 13, 2011, Ana Milin said…

Dear Ria,

thank you for the warm welcome, and thank you for hosting this precious online space, for all of us who just jump in when we need it or feel like it. It is really something!

Yes, I enjoyed Borl, and I enjoyed co-creating the Croatian AOH community of practice, together with Toke, Jan, Miljenka and Jasmina, that has been developing more intensely since the AOH training in February 2010.

I am sure I will learn here, I hope I will contribute, too.

Warm regards, Ana

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