(CLDI - stands for Collaborative Leadership Development Initiative - it is a deliberately clumsy holding name waiting for a better name to emerge - about 50 people are in it at the moment)
- the physical representation that came to us was a circle of friends, but something organic that could morph, split and un-split into different shapes at different times
- thinking of this 'cldi' thing in terms of lifestages feels important, not just being concerned with how it is now or in any particular moment, but thinking of it as something that will evolve, possibly grow up and like all of us certainly die in due course - 'I think my personal relationship with it will be different at different stages' - there isn't one right way to be with it
- the play piece is very important, and particularly 'playing with friends' - 'I am aware of several possibilities bubbling up in the background that may well soon emerge as manifestations of this'
and then my personal notes ....
- I feel the teaching and 'process artist' parts of what I do are coming to the fore and that more often I am going to sit back and let others do more of the hosting
- It will be healthy for me if my work has more of a place connection - that may be in Carlow where I live and / or it may be in the eco-village in Tipperary where I feel very connected and I'd like to think a bit of it is in the Burren too, which is just magical as a place
- I need to be more conscious of the option of disappearing and letting others get on with stuff - I need to check with others sometimes 'might this be a good time for me to disappear ?'
- I need to think intentionally and internationally in terms of a coach / mentor like person for myself.
(a rather lengthy version of a Statement of Purpose is attached)