The Art of Hosting

We invite you to participate in an AoH research project by completing a short survey:
Please complete survey by April 1, 2010. (also posted on the aoh listserve)
We are seeking input from 'hosting practitioners' using engagement methodologies that consider dialogue as foundational for creating engagement for lasting change.
Our overarching research question is:
How can dialogue-based engagement methodologies be effectively integrated with delivery of the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (specifically, the aspects of the strategic planning process)?
We are a team of three 2011 Master’s candidates in the Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) programme at BTH, in Karlskrona Sweden. We have each taken a year away from our professional careers (The Natural Step-US associate, corporate sustainability consultant, graphic designer) to deepen our knowledge of both the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD/The Natural Step framework) and leadership for transformational change. 
We have also been trained in the Art of Hosting this year. We see many advantages in incorporating these methodologies, which are being used world-wide to help solve complex problems, with delivery of the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, which we are learning in our Master's degree programme.
We know that many hosting practitioners are currently using these methodologies in other contexts with great results. We want to assemble this information to help create guidance for sustainability practitioners to use dialogue-based engagement methodologies in the strategic planning process. This is the basis for our thesis research.
Methodologies that are included in this study fall under the umbrella of the Art of Hosting network and include:
    Appreciative Inquiry
    Open Space Technology
    World Café
    Theory U
    The Circle
    Pro Action Café
Many thanks in advance to those of you willing to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Meisterheim,
Our final thesis will be archived and accessible from the BTH website (
All the best,
Tracy Meisterheim, Alison Cretney, Steven Cretney
(from Duluth MN and Nelson BC, currently in Karlskrona Sweden)

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